Boat Building Forum

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Re: Other: R2K3 Camping
By:Scott Ferguson
Date: 7/10/2003, 6:19 pm
In Response To: Re: Other: R2K3 Camping (Chip Sandresky)

: Is this still an option. I'm starting to get antsy about my R2K3 plans. I
: don't want to be sitting alone by my cook stove wondering where everyone
: else is camping... so where is everyone else camping?

Well you don't have to worry about being by yourself, I'm still goin'. I don't care where we stay, as long as there's room for a truck and a tent. I'm just as excited as you are, it should be a blast. The last few years, I've just circled around, checking out all of the cool kayaks and then left. But this year I'd like to actually meet as many boat building nuts as possible.
Looking forward to it, just have to wrap up a few projects.

Messages In This Thread

Other: R2K3 Camping: I failed :(
Shawn Baker -- 4/7/2003, 10:09 am
Bed and Breakfast *LINK* *Pic*
Dale Frolander -- 4/8/2003, 8:44 pm
Re: Other: R2K3 Camping
Patsy -- 4/8/2003, 9:35 am
Re: Other: R2K4 Camping
Shawn Baker -- 4/7/2003, 5:26 pm
Re: Other: R2K4 Camping *LINK*
Roger Nuffer -- 4/7/2003, 8:17 pm
Re: Other: R2K4 Camping
Shawn Baker -- 4/8/2003, 12:08 am
Re: Other: R2K4 Camping
Rehd -- 4/7/2003, 8:01 pm
Re: Other: R2K4 Camping
Shawn Baker -- 4/8/2003, 12:20 am
Who Had Successful Bookings?
grant -- 4/7/2003, 2:44 pm
Re: Who Had Successful Bookings?
Jim Horlacher -- 4/8/2003, 5:01 pm
Re: Other: R2K3 Camping: I failed :(
Dave Grimmer -- 4/7/2003, 2:43 pm
Re: Other: R2K3 Camping: I failed :(
Dave Grimmer -- 4/7/2003, 5:50 pm
Re: Other: R2K3 Camping: I failed :(
Shawn Baker -- 4/7/2003, 6:40 pm
Re: Other: R2K3 Camping: I failed :(
Dave Grimmer -- 4/7/2003, 6:56 pm
Re: Other: R2K3 Camping: I failed :(
Mark Shiner -- 4/7/2003, 2:33 pm
Re: Other: R2K3 Camping
Chip Sandresky -- 7/10/2003, 5:31 pm
Re: Other: R2K3 Camping *LINK*
Joe Greenley -- 7/10/2003, 9:17 pm
Re: Other: R2K3 Camping
Scott Ferguson -- 7/10/2003, 6:19 pm
Re: Other: R2K3 Camping: I failed :( *LINK*
Marcel R. in Portland, OR -- 4/8/2003, 1:31 am
Re: Other: R2K3 Camping: I failed :(
Gordon Snapp -- 4/8/2003, 1:48 am
Re: Other: R2K3 Camping: I failed :(
Bill Price -- 4/7/2003, 3:06 pm
Re: Wow!!!
Shawn Baker -- 4/7/2003, 2:48 pm
If I might suggest
Paul G. Jacobson -- 4/8/2003, 8:47 pm
Re: Wow!!!
Roger Nuffer -- 4/7/2003, 9:18 pm
Re: Yakstock2K3??? :D *NM*
Malcolm Schweizer -- 4/7/2003, 9:40 pm
Mark should be happy...
Shawn Baker -- 4/8/2003, 12:21 am
Alternative camping in Port Townsend where
Mark Shiner -- 4/9/2003, 5:01 pm
R2K3: Other options: ELC's
Shawn Baker -- 4/7/2003, 2:31 pm
R2K3: Other options: Sequim Bay State Park
Shawn Baker -- 4/7/2003, 2:28 pm
Re: R2K3: Other options: Sequim Bay State Park
Roger Nuffer -- 4/7/2003, 9:24 pm
Re: R2K3: Other options: Sequim Bay State Park
Shawn Baker -- 4/8/2003, 12:04 am
Re: Other: R2K3 Camping: I failed :(
John Schroeder -- 4/7/2003, 1:39 pm
Re: Other: R2K3 Camping: I failed :(
Patsy -- 4/7/2003, 1:37 pm
Re: Other: R2K3 Camping
Chip Sandresky -- 4/7/2003, 12:45 pm
Re: Other: R2K3 Camping
Shawn Baker -- 4/7/2003, 1:21 pm
Re: Other: R2K3 Camping
Chip Sandresky -- 4/7/2003, 1:45 pm
Re: Other: R2K3 Camping: I failed :(
Bill Price -- 4/7/2003, 12:24 pm