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Re: Skin-on-Frame: Kid-size design questions
By:John D.
Date: 7/12/2003, 2:19 am
In Response To: Re: Skin-on-Frame: Kid-size design questions *LINK* *Pic* (Marcel R. in Portland, OR)


Sounds like it'll be a fun boat. I'm just starting on one for my kids too. Are you planning on being at R2K3, and is it going to be done by then? Keep us updated on your progress. I can't wait to see it...

-John D.

: Steve: I just started an SOF for my 7-year old daughter. We have the gunwales
: cut and marked, the chines and keelson cut, and the gunwale forms made.
: Tomorrow we will cut the rib mortises. This sure moves a lot faster than a
: full size stripper.

: Chris Cunningham's book has a short section in the back on scaling his
: Greenland design down for kids. My daughter's will end up at about 11'
: long and 15" wide. That is a bit shorter and a bit wider than her
: true anthopometric measurements (she is tall and skinny, so it would have
: worked out to 13' long and about 12" wide), so it should be
: reasonably stable. If you look at the pictures on my website from SSTIKS,
: there is a picture of a completed kid's SOF, a kid's frame built by Robert
: Morris, and John Doornink's son (I think he is 10) paddling a Grebe.

: Regards,

: Marcel

Messages In This Thread

Skin-on-Frame: Kid-size design questions
Steve Phillips -- 7/11/2003, 4:53 pm
Re: Skin-on-Frame: Kid-size design questions
Paul Probus -- 7/15/2003, 12:46 pm
Re: Skin-on-Frame: Kid-size design questions
Paul Probus -- 7/15/2003, 2:19 pm
Re: Skin-on-Frame: Kid-size design questions *LINK* *Pic*
Marcel R. in Portland, OR -- 7/12/2003, 1:36 am
Re: Skin-on-Frame: Kid-size design questions
John D. -- 7/12/2003, 2:19 am
Re: Skin-on-Frame: Kid-size design questions
Marcel R. in Portland, OR -- 7/12/2003, 1:20 pm
Thanks, Guys! Any Grebes in Southern California?
Steve Phillips -- 7/12/2003, 3:36 am
Skin-on-Frame: Kid-size design questions-Part 2
Steve Phillips -- 7/11/2003, 6:33 pm
Re: Skin-on-Frame: Kid-size design questions-Part
Shawn Baker -- 7/12/2003, 11:57 am
Re: Skin-on-Frame: Kid-size design questions-Part *Pic*
John D. -- 7/12/2003, 2:15 am
Re: Skin-on-Frame: Kid-size design questions-Part
Shawn Baker -- 7/14/2003, 10:37 am
Re: Skin-on-Frame: Kid-size design questions-Part
John D. -- 7/14/2003, 10:04 pm
Re: Skin-on-Frame: Kid-size design questions-Part
Shawn Baker -- 7/15/2003, 10:39 am
Strip built - Kid-size design questions
Dale Frolander -- 7/15/2003, 2:08 pm
Re: Strip built - Kid-size design questions
Shawn Baker -- 7/15/2003, 3:41 pm
Re: Strip built - Kid-size design questions
Dale Frolander -- 7/16/2003, 12:46 am
Calling Andrew Doornink *Pic*
Shawn Baker -- 7/16/2003, 10:13 am
Re: Skin-on-Frame: Kid-size design questions-Part
Paul G. Jacobson -- 7/11/2003, 10:47 pm
Grebe offsets *LINK*
Shawn Baker -- 7/12/2003, 11:58 am
Re: Grebe offsets *LINK*
Andy Waddington -- 7/13/2003, 5:39 am
the Grebe
DaveW -- 7/11/2003, 9:47 pm