: Grant is kind enough to have published these on his website:
Ah, but those are offsets for building the plywood panels. It would take
a bit of maths/geometry to get from those to the actual traditional
offsets you'd need to build an S-O-F. Luckily, Grant also has vrml
pictures of most of those kayaks on his site, including the Grebe.
Its a lot easier to get traditional offsets from the vrml as it only
involves (admittedly rather tedious) textual manipulation, ie. moving
the numbers around (and throwing away a lot of duplicates). Do whatever
your browser needs to save the link below to your hard disc (rather
than just opening it). Typically that is right click and choose "Save
Link As.." or something similar from the pop-up menu.
Messages In This Thread
- Skin-on-Frame: Kid-size design questions
Steve Phillips -- 7/11/2003, 4:53 pm- Re: Skin-on-Frame: Kid-size design questions
Paul Probus -- 7/15/2003, 12:46 pm- Re: Skin-on-Frame: Kid-size design questions
Paul Probus -- 7/15/2003, 2:19 pm
- Re: Skin-on-Frame: Kid-size design questions
- Re: Skin-on-Frame: Kid-size design questions *LINK* *Pic*
Marcel R. in Portland, OR -- 7/12/2003, 1:36 am- Re: Skin-on-Frame: Kid-size design questions
John D. -- 7/12/2003, 2:19 am- Re: Skin-on-Frame: Kid-size design questions
Marcel R. in Portland, OR -- 7/12/2003, 1:20 pm - Thanks, Guys! Any Grebes in Southern California?
Steve Phillips -- 7/12/2003, 3:36 am
- Re: Skin-on-Frame: Kid-size design questions
- Re: Skin-on-Frame: Kid-size design questions
- Skin-on-Frame: Kid-size design questions-Part 2
Steve Phillips -- 7/11/2003, 6:33 pm- Re: Skin-on-Frame: Kid-size design questions-Part
Shawn Baker -- 7/12/2003, 11:57 am - Re: Skin-on-Frame: Kid-size design questions-Part *Pic*
John D. -- 7/12/2003, 2:15 am- Re: Skin-on-Frame: Kid-size design questions-Part
Shawn Baker -- 7/14/2003, 10:37 am- Re: Skin-on-Frame: Kid-size design questions-Part
John D. -- 7/14/2003, 10:04 pm- Re: Skin-on-Frame: Kid-size design questions-Part
Shawn Baker -- 7/15/2003, 10:39 am- Strip built - Kid-size design questions
Dale Frolander -- 7/15/2003, 2:08 pm- Re: Strip built - Kid-size design questions
Shawn Baker -- 7/15/2003, 3:41 pm- Re: Strip built - Kid-size design questions
Dale Frolander -- 7/16/2003, 12:46 am- Calling Andrew Doornink *Pic*
Shawn Baker -- 7/16/2003, 10:13 am
- Calling Andrew Doornink *Pic*
- Re: Strip built - Kid-size design questions
- Re: Strip built - Kid-size design questions
- Strip built - Kid-size design questions
- Re: Skin-on-Frame: Kid-size design questions-Part
- Re: Skin-on-Frame: Kid-size design questions-Part
- Re: Skin-on-Frame: Kid-size design questions-Part
- Re: Skin-on-Frame: Kid-size design questions-Part
Paul G. Jacobson -- 7/11/2003, 10:47 pm- Grebe offsets *LINK*
Shawn Baker -- 7/12/2003, 11:58 am- Re: Grebe offsets *LINK*
Andy Waddington -- 7/13/2003, 5:39 am
- Re: Grebe offsets *LINK*
- Grebe offsets *LINK*
- the Grebe
DaveW -- 7/11/2003, 9:47 pm
- Re: Skin-on-Frame: Kid-size design questions-Part
- Re: Skin-on-Frame: Kid-size design questions