Date: 7/15/2003, 12:17 am
: Hi Rehd,
: As this problem spans two bulletin boards (I assume the GTBB is the Greenland
: Techniques board?) using different underlying technologies the
: "problem" is with the browser. What I suspect is happening is
: that the browser is trying to keep track of what links you have visited
: but as the page changes dynamically it loses track of which links have
: been visited and which have not.
: I believe the read/unread status of a message is controlled by the NEW tag on
: the message, in other words, if you look at a page with a NEW message on
: it you are assumed to have read it.
: Another 2c,
: Brad
Yes, I understand the New tag, but if I don't get all the New messages read at one sitting, and come back later, they are still blue ( unread ) but no longer listed as New.
The problem seems not to be totally inclusive of read messages, or at least not all at once... They come back a few at a time, to blue status ( not New, but unread ) sometimes, if I'm off doing something on the boat, or just gone somewhere and the KBB is still on, I will get one or two to pop back to blue, and a while later, a few more, and keep going that way until they are almost all blue again... It doesn't seem to matter whether I'm on the computer or it's shut down... the next time I go back to the Boards, there are some messages that have reverted to unread ( Blue ).
I'm considering reloading windows as a repair and see if there's something that I've lost in the software that may be affecting it. ???
It happens on Both the KBB and GTBB so there's obviously a connection there as they both use similar formats ( I think ). ??
I don't use any other forums regularly, so have nothing else to compare them to.
On advice from a friend here local I went to Internet Explorer, Tools, Internet Options, Temp. Internet Files, and Settings. There, the setting was "Automatically" (check for new versions of stored pages) and I moved it to "Every time you start I.E.". I was also advised to try deleting all Cookies and sign into the forums again and see if that corrects the problem..
I did it last night and have only just started clicking some messages off as read, so won't know till tomorrow some time if this has indeed worked.
Wish I knew more about these critters... it gets kinda frustrating at times.
I appreciate all the help here, even though it's way off topic...
You folks are all pretty kool!
Messages In This Thread
- Off Topic: Computer glitch... ??
Rehd -- 7/14/2003, 12:43 am- Re: Off Topic: Computer glitch... ??
Brad Hubbard -- 7/14/2003, 8:45 pm- Re: I make better Cookies than these..
Rehd -- 7/15/2003, 12:17 am- Re: Nuts....!!! No Help !!!
Rehd -- 7/15/2003, 8:57 am- Re: Nuts....!!! No Help !!!
Glen Smith -- 7/15/2003, 10:08 am
- Re: Nuts....!!! No Help !!!
- Re: Nuts....!!! No Help !!!
- Re: Off Topic: Computer glitch... ??
Peter Robinson -- 7/14/2003, 5:13 am- Re: Off Topic: Computer glitch... ??
Brad Hubbard -- 7/14/2003, 8:06 pm- Re: Off Topic: Computer glitch... ??
Peter Robinson -- 7/15/2003, 10:18 am- Re: Off Topic: Computer glitch... ??
Brad Hubbard -- 7/17/2003, 2:54 am- Re: Off Topic: Computer glitch... ??
Rehd -- 7/16/2003, 12:37 am - Re: Off Topic: Computer glitch... ??
- Re: Off Topic: Computer glitch... ??
- Re: Off Topic: Computer glitch... ??
- Re: Off Topic: Computer glitch... ??
Marcel R. in Portland, OR -- 7/14/2003, 2:20 am- Re: Off Topic: Computer glitch... ??
Andy Waddington -- 7/14/2003, 6:40 am- Re: Off Topic: Computer glitch... ??
Rehd -- 7/14/2003, 2:44 am - Re: Off Topic: Computer glitch... ??
- Re: I make better Cookies than these..
- Re: Off Topic: Computer glitch... ??