Re: Strip: guillemot endforms and #2/#15 station
By:Rob P
Date: 7/18/2003, 8:57 am
Date: 7/18/2003, 8:57 am
In Response To: Strip: guillemot endforms and #2/#15 station (Kendall Demaree)
I used an internal stem piece and made it go right to the edge of the form. Where things didn't fit exactly (and I mean exactly) I fudged it. I think the boats and construction method are very forgiving to minor adjustments.
Hope this helps,
Messages In This Thread
- Strip: guillemot endforms and #2/#15 station
Kendall Demaree -- 7/17/2003, 7:11 pm- Re: Strip: guillemot endforms and #2/#15 station
Rob P -- 7/18/2003, 8:57 am- Re: Strip: guillemot endforms and #2/#15 station *LINK* *Pic*
Andrew Smith -- 7/18/2003, 8:24 am- Re: Strip: guillemot endforms and #2/#15 station
Malcolm Schweizer -- 7/17/2003, 10:50 pm - Re: Strip: guillemot endforms and #2/#15 station *LINK* *Pic*
- Re: Strip: guillemot endforms and #2/#15 station