: Good Idea on the hull spreaders too. No sense taking any chances. Have you
: had it together for a test fit??
The fairing and sanding of the deck was done with the fiberglassed hull on the internal strongback, so it fit then. I took it off to glass the hull interior and deck exterior. The hull will go back on the forms while I work on the cockpit combing and deck interior so the hull will keep it's shape. The spreader sticks are on every second station on the hull, with shear measurements taken from the plans.
: About your epoxy: What brand and speed ( slow, fast or mixed ) are you using,
: and when you spread it out, what kind of times are you getting to work
: with ??
: I use the dump and squeegee method myself and I have gotten around 45 minutes
: to work with. Same warm temps.
I'm using Raka 350 no-blush hardener and their standard resin. After dumping the cup of epoxy on the boat, I spread it with a squeegee and a 2.25" roller. I prefer using a roller on the vertical surfaces. The foam rollers that Raka sells are a joy use after suffering with rollers that left white fluff in the epoxy. I try to get done squeegeeing off the excess resin within 15 or 20 minutes.
: Keep up the great work... that's a fine looking boat. Looking forward to
: seeing it finished.
: Rehd
Thank you!
Messages In This Thread
- Strip: Spring Run Fiberglassed *Pic*
John Caldeira -- 7/17/2003, 11:50 pm- Oh, Wow, again!
Robert N Pruden -- 7/19/2003, 6:30 pm- Re: Strip: Spring Run Fiberglassed
Joe Greenley -- 7/18/2003, 9:40 pm- Re: Strip: Spring Run Fiberglassed
srchr/gerald -- 7/18/2003, 7:35 pm- Re: Strip: Spring Run Fiberglassed
Wesley Gross -- 7/18/2003, 2:14 pm- Re: DALLAS BUILDERS
Glen Longino -- 7/18/2003, 4:19 pm
- Re: Strip: Spring Run Fiberglassed
Steve Rasmussen -- 7/18/2003, 11:32 am- Re: Strip: Spring Run Fiberglassed
John Caldeira -- 7/18/2003, 12:03 pm
- Re: Strip: What about the humidity?
Roger Nuffer -- 7/18/2003, 9:51 am- Re: Strip: Spring Run Fiberglassed
Rob P -- 7/18/2003, 8:48 am- Re: Strip: Spring Run Fiberglassed
Rehd -- 7/18/2003, 1:13 am- Re: Strip: Spring Run Fiberglassed
John Caldeira -- 7/18/2003, 11:50 am
- Re: Schweeet!!! *NM*
Shawn Baker -- 7/18/2003, 12:09 am - Re: Strip: Spring Run Fiberglassed
- Oh, Wow, again!