Date: 7/19/2003, 9:25 pm
: Hey, Larry-
: Interesting info. Great to hear that the 4oz s wet out as clear as the 4oz e.
: You mentioned that you could have lost another 6 # without compromizing
: strength. Where/how? Also, did the 4 oz s drink the same amount of epoxy
: as the e? Who was your supplier?
: On the two boats I just finished, I used 1.8 oz kevlar on the inside of the
: hull, e glass everywhere else. With 5/32" hardwood core, the weights
: are about 32-33#, mininally outfitted, compared to 38-40# for my first
: boats with traditional layup.
: Based on your info, I think I'll consider 4 oz s on outside next boat. Anyone
: else have experience with 4oz s? Mike
As far as saving another 6#. After seeing how stiff and strong the hull is, I would leave off the extra football layer of glass on hull and reduce the size of the inside cockpit second layer. I now have a 4' long sheer to sheer extra layer inside. This effectively gives me 4 layers of glass in the center section of the boat. I would leave out the bulkhead/hatches and use float bags. I would leave out hip plates that I epoxied in and carve hip plates into the seat foam. This lighter layup would be for a flat water race boat on protected waters. Open ocean paddling would require a stronger layup.
The 4oz. S glass handles the same and seems to take the same amount of epoxy as e-glass, although the style I used was only avaliable with twisted yarn in 4 oz. Twisted yarn is said to use a little more resin but I didn't see it. I bought my s-glass from J R Sweet.
I looks like you are already building light boats, especially using hardwood cores.
After seeing a 21# wooden racing canoe, I think a 25-30# race/train kayak is quite doable. The S-glass is is just one of the ways of achieving the goal. Some of the young guys don't mind hauling around 45-65# boats but I'm not getting any younger. I already have a fleet of the heavy stuff.
I suggest you get a small amount of 4 oz. s- glass from J R Sweet (only) and see if it meets your needs before committing to a whole project on my say so.
Larry C.
Messages In This Thread
- Material: S glass
Lennie Hawkins -- 7/18/2003, 9:29 am- Re: Material: S glass
Larry C. -- 7/18/2003, 1:02 pm- Re: Material: S glass
mike loriz -- 7/19/2003, 9:18 am- Re: Material: S glass
Larry C. -- 7/19/2003, 9:25 pm
- Re: Material: S glass
Ken Katz -- 7/18/2003, 7:11 pm- Re: Material: S glass
Jack Sanderson -- 7/19/2003, 9:30 pm- Re: Material: S glass
Larry C. -- 7/19/2003, 8:48 pm - Re: Material: S glass
- Re: Material: S glass
- Re: Material: S glass
LeeG -- 7/18/2003, 11:28 am- Re: Material: S glass
Lennie Hawkins -- 7/21/2003, 1:47 pm- Re: regarding stems
LeeG -- 7/21/2003, 2:01 pm
- Re: regarding stems
- Re: Material: S glass
C. Fronzek -- 7/18/2003, 11:13 am- Re: Material: S glass
LeeG -- 7/18/2003, 12:00 pm
- Re: Material: S glass
- Re: Material: S glass