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Re: "Sea Pup"- To be tested soon!
By:Tom Yost
Date: 7/22/2003, 5:03 pm
In Response To: Re: "Sea Pup"- To be tested soon! (ChrisO)

: Well, now, that certainly sounds like the boy we've all come to know and
: love. 'Course, it don't hurt to have a case of homebrew delivered to the
: curmudgeon's door.

: Chris O

Who do you think you are calling me an irascible,
avaricious, grasping fellow ?

Homebrew is not necessary, but a case of
Murphy's Irish Stout is quite a different story.
Guinness is certainly an acceptable alternative.

Then again, a new rear tire for the Katana
isn't a bad idea either.

Go Lance,


Messages In This Thread

Skin-on-Frame: "Sea Pup" Kids Kayak Design *Pic*
Tom Yost -- 7/22/2003, 12:23 am
Re: "Sea Pup" - kid size?
Brad Farr -- 7/22/2003, 12:21 pm
Re: "Sea Pup" - kid size?
Tom Yost -- 7/22/2003, 4:30 pm
Re: Skin-on-Frame: "Sea Pup" Kids Kayak Design
srchr/gerald -- 7/22/2003, 9:51 am
Re: Skin-on-Frame: "Sea Pup" Kids Kayak Design
Tom Yost -- 7/22/2003, 5:18 pm
Re: Skin-on-Frame: "Sea Pup" Kids Kayak Design
Tom Yost -- 7/22/2003, 4:12 pm
Re: "Sea Pup"- To be tested soon!
Steve Phillips -- 7/22/2003, 1:58 am
Re: "Sea Pup"- To be tested soon!
ChrisO -- 7/22/2003, 9:48 am
Re: "Sea Pup"- To be tested soon!
Tom Yost -- 7/22/2003, 5:03 pm