Date: 7/23/2003, 3:15 pm
: Has anybody ever tried rubbing-on varnish to build the coats? The only reason
: I keep posting this reply is that I've tried the foam brushes and they
: seem to fall apart. Brushes all streak to varying degrees. I learned a
: trick (Fine Woodworking, and some guy at Cut and Dried Hardwood) and have
: been happy with the results: using Epiphanes or Interlux (only one's I've
: used, don't know about others but I imagine there's no difference), mixed
: some Interlux 333 (a simliar dilutant will work) to thin it a bit, then
: used a sheet of the BLUE Scott towel (pressed cellulose fiber that doesn't
: shed). I dip some and work rapidly rubbing it on then a linear sweep
: working forward over the surface. With practice you can do the deck or
: hull in under three minutes. This builds coats fast and fairly evenly,
: light sanding between coats to adhere.
: I imagine with each method one gets really good at it, but I've always been a
: rub-on finish type for all the woodworking I do and have done.
It's unfortunate if you only have access to poor quality foam brushes, because a good
foam brush does a magnificent job of applying an even heavy coat of varnish.
Most varnishes are formulated to be brushed just as it comes from the can, and three coats
over a stripper will be beautiful.
I've applied finishes with rags on furniture before and it is certainly less intimidating to apply a finish
this way. However, you won't get the same results you would with a brush.
If you have the opportunity to see a good brushed finish( see picture below) you will see the difference.
You may be happy with the rag finish. And that's just fine.
All the best,
Rob Macks
Laughing Loon CC&K

Messages In This Thread
- Strip: Varnishing Question
Ian James -- 7/22/2003, 9:50 pm- Re: Strip: Varnishing Question
Ian James -- 7/23/2003, 7:43 pm- Re: Strip: Varnishing Question
Jay Babina -- 7/23/2003, 8:48 am- Re: Strip: Varnishing Question
Steve Rasmussen -- 7/23/2003, 11:08 am- Re: Strip: Varnishing Question
Rick Sylvia -- 7/23/2003, 4:32 pm- Re: Strip: Varnishing Question
Rob Macks -- 7/23/2003, 11:38 am- Try this at home.
Mike and Rikki -- 7/23/2003, 12:41 pm- Re: Try this at home. *Pic*
Rob Macks -- 7/23/2003, 3:15 pm- Cool stem & slick finish!!!
Mike Worthan -- 7/24/2003, 9:50 am- Re: Cool stem & slick finish!!!
Rob Macks -- 7/24/2003, 10:41 am
- Re: reclaiming old varnish
Bill Burton -- 7/23/2003, 4:15 pm- Re: reclaiming old varnish
Rob Macks -- 7/23/2003, 6:28 pm- Re: reclaiming old varnish
Bill Burton -- 7/24/2003, 10:22 am
- Re: reclaiming old varnish
- Re: Cool stem & slick finish!!!
- Cool stem & slick finish!!!
- Re: Try this at home. *Pic*
- Re: Strip: Varnishing Question
- Re: Strip: Varnishing Question
Rob Macks -- 7/23/2003, 9:13 am - Re: Strip: Varnishing Question
- Re: Strip: Varnishing Question
- Re: Strip: Varnishing Question