Date: 7/23/2003, 11:26 pm
Greetings fellow builders; and Thank you!
I just left the shop after cutting out the aft hatch on the Night Heron. I went shopping for all my outfitting gear today including my compass. I am using Rob's magnet theory with flush hatchs. I spent to much time bending the Babinga accents to cover it up with straps. When I was trying to determine the correct location of the forward hatch I was worried about deviation. I also played around using four magnets together (it has been a few years since high school chem class for me) to simulate the ones nearest the compass. I could notice a waver in the compass reading at approximatly 24" away. I figured if I stayed at least 30" away I should be OK. I also printed out the spacing etc. from one of Rob's previous posts but could not find the copys. Then better safe than sorry I would go home and check the BB archives (I was in the shop till two this morning so it was also a good excuse to get home!). Low and behold EVERY question I had was answered with out trying to figure out how to find the archives!! Many thanks to Nick for the BB, Rob for the magnet theory and the rest of you who have answered all my previous questions to myself. Leaving for Cape Cod Monday AM and the vessel will be making the trip... Boy do I have a lot of work to do!!
Thanks again;
Timothy Mulherin
Messages In This Thread
- Strip: hatch holderdowners...
srchr/gerald -- 7/22/2003, 9:02 pm- This BB is unbelivable!! Mind reading at it's best
Timothy -- 7/23/2003, 11:26 pm- Re: Insurance with tape
Dave Houser -- 7/24/2003, 3:28 pm
- Thanks for all the info...
srchr/gerald -- 7/23/2003, 5:06 pm- Re: Strip: hatch holderdowners...
Nick Schade - Guillemot Kayaks -- 7/23/2003, 3:54 pm- Re: Strip: hatch holderdowners...
Dan G -- 7/25/2003, 8:31 am- Why re-invent the wheel? *LINK* *Pic*
Dan Ruff -- 7/24/2003, 11:30 am- One answer...
srchr/gerald -- 7/24/2003, 6:32 pm- Re: Why re-invent the wheel?
Rob Macks -- 7/24/2003, 1:09 pm- Re: Why re-invent the wheel?
Jay Doorly -- 7/25/2003, 10:27 am
- Re: Why re-invent the wheel?
Rob Macks -- 7/24/2003, 12:45 pm- Re: Why re-invent the wheel?
Dan Ruff -- 7/24/2003, 1:07 pm
- More hatch hardware *LINK*
Dan Ruff -- 7/24/2003, 11:34 am- I like the idea, but...
Brian Nystrom -- 7/24/2003, 12:50 pm- Re: I like the idea, but...
Dan Ruff -- 7/24/2003, 1:17 pm
- Re: I like the idea, but...
- Re: Why re-invent the wheel?
- Re: Strip: hatch holderdowners...
Rob Macks -- 7/23/2003, 7:36 pm- Re: Strip: hatch holderdowners...
Nick Schade - Guillemot Kayaks -- 7/24/2003, 9:32 am- Re: Strip: hatch holderdowners...
Shawn Baker -- 7/24/2003, 1:18 pm
- Re: Strip: hatch holderdowners...
John Schroeder -- 7/23/2003, 10:45 pm- Re: Strip: hatch holderdowners...
Rob Macks -- 7/23/2003, 7:41 pm- Re: Strip: hatch holderdowners...
Ron Deane -- 7/24/2003, 12:42 am- Re: Strip: hatch holderdowners...
Rob Macks -- 7/24/2003, 7:21 am- Re: Strip: hatch holderdowners...
Kyle T -- 7/24/2003, 8:23 am- Re: Strip: hatch holderdowners...
Rob Macks -- 7/24/2003, 10:44 am
- Re: Strip: hatch holderdowners...
- Re: Strip: hatch holderdowners...
- Re: Strip: hatch holderdowners...
- Re: Strip: hatch holderdowners...
- Why re-invent the wheel? *LINK* *Pic*
- Re: Buckle & Webbing Supplier *NM* *LINK* *Pic*
Dave Houser -- 7/23/2003, 2:57 pm- Re: Strip: hatch holderdowners... *Pic*
Chris Moore -- 7/23/2003, 12:13 pm- Re: Strip: hatch holderdowners...
Scott Fitzgerrell -- 7/23/2003, 12:56 pm- Re: Strip: hatch holderdowners...
Chris Moore -- 7/23/2003, 1:38 pm
- Re: Strip: hatch holderdowners...
- Re: Strip: hatch holderdowners... *LINK*
Dan G -- 7/23/2003, 8:10 am- Re: Strip: hatch holderdowners...
Shawn Baker -- 7/23/2003, 11:00 am
- Re: Strip: hatch holderdowners...
Terry Hanson -- 7/23/2003, 12:37 am- Re: Strip: hatch holderdowners... *Pic*
Rob Macks -- 7/23/2003, 2:34 pm- Rob, what size gasket material?
Jim in ND -- 7/25/2003, 10:24 am- Re: Rob, what size gasket material?
Rob Macks -- 7/25/2003, 2:19 pm
- Magnets and compasses
Shawn Baker -- 7/23/2003, 5:53 pm- Re: Magnets and compasses
Rob Macks -- 7/23/2003, 7:51 pm- Re: Magnets and compasses
KenC -- 7/24/2003, 12:10 am- Re: Magnets and compasses
Shawn Baker -- 7/23/2003, 8:11 pm - Re: Magnets and compasses
- Re: Magnets and compasses
Ted Henry -- 7/23/2003, 6:56 pm - Re: Magnets and compasses
- Good write up...
srchr/gerald -- 7/23/2003, 5:03 pm - Re: Rob, what size gasket material?
- Re: Strip: hatch holderdowners...
srchr/gerald -- 7/23/2003, 11:16 am - Rob, what size gasket material?
- Re: Insurance with tape
- This BB is unbelivable!! Mind reading at it's best