Re: Announce: USCG Tragedy *Pic*
By:Shawn Baker
Date: 7/24/2003, 1:11 pm
Date: 7/24/2003, 1:11 pm
In Response To: Announce: USCG Tragedy *Pic* (Rehd)
There's a U.S. Air Force HH-60G Pave Hawk helo in town fighting one of the bigger forest fires.
I'm tempted to buy the crew some beer and see if they want to do any kayaker rescue training!!
Here's the helo landing about a mile from my house!
(the shark will be harder to come by!)

Messages In This Thread
- Announce: USCG Tragedy *Pic*
Rehd -- 8/24/2002, 7:51 pm- Re: Announce: USCG Tragedy *Pic*
Shawn Baker -- 7/24/2003, 1:11 pm- Looks nasty down your way
don flowers -- 7/25/2003, 10:23 am- Re: Looks nasty down your way
Shawn Baker -- 7/25/2003, 12:12 pm
- Re: Announce: USCG Tragedy
Jim Owens -- 7/24/2003, 5:23 pm- How about an attack cow? *NM*
Malcolm Schweizer -- 7/24/2003, 3:53 pm- Re: I know where you can find one....
Rehd -- 7/24/2003, 2:46 pm- Re: I know where you can find one....
Bill Price -- 7/25/2003, 12:29 am- One found him. *Pic*
Shawn Baker -- 7/25/2003, 12:50 pm
- One found him. *Pic*
- Re: Looks nasty down your way
- Re: Announce: USCG Tragedy
Mike and Rikki -- 8/26/2002, 2:53 pm- Re: Announce: USCG Tragedy
Robert -- 8/25/2002, 12:37 pm- Re: Announce: USCG Tragedy
Mike Hanks -- 8/25/2002, 11:29 am- Re: Innocent by default...
Don Beale -- 8/25/2002, 8:33 pm
- The joys of digital photography
Rick Allnutt -- 8/25/2002, 8:38 am- Re: The joys of digital photography
Rehd -- 8/25/2002, 10:38 am
- Looks nasty down your way
- Re: Announce: USCG Tragedy *Pic*