Date: 7/28/2003, 8:54 am
When I did my Guillemot double cockpits I used 2 steps. The first step, (2") pieces of cloth were laid on the deck and then up the riser with glass strands for the fillet in the corner. Then when dried, I layed the second set on the inside of the riser, smoothed it over and around the lip and down the riser over the previously placed cloth. Then come back and smooth out the inside if the coaming riser wrapping the cloth around the inside of the deck bottom.
A couple key points. First the cloth must be on the bias (diagonally)in order to go around that many contours and still lay flat. Second, do each step in 2-3 pieces, overlaping each. For me, it was much easier to use smaller pieces 2-3 feet long than 1 - 7" piece. I overlapped the cloth in each step by 2 inches or so. You are going to have at least 1 seam no matter what you do. An extra 1-2 isn't noticable anyway and much easier to handle. I also wetted the yak and applied the cloth to the deck as opposed to wetting the roll of cloth and try to apply it as it drips over everything.
You may get different procedured on this one, but this worked for me.
Good Luck...
Messages In This Thread
Rick Sylvia -- 7/28/2003, 8:18 am- Epoxy: Great Commnets - THANKS!
Rick Sylvia -- 7/29/2003, 8:19 am- Re: Epoxy: GLASSING THE LIP *Pic*
rnb4tla -- 7/28/2003, 10:50 pm- Re: Epoxy: GLASSING THE LIP
Chip Sandresky -- 7/28/2003, 1:31 pm- bias cut cloth & fillets in corners = no problems *NM*
Kurt Hoffman -- 7/28/2003, 12:41 pm- Re: Epoxy: GLASSING THE LIP
srchr/gerald -- 7/28/2003, 11:03 am- Re: lip gloss... er, glass
ootek -- 7/28/2003, 9:49 am- Re: Epoxy: GLASSING THE LIP
Dave Sprygada -- 7/28/2003, 8:54 am- Re: Epoxy: GLASSING THE LIP
Jack Sanderson -- 7/28/2003, 8:49 am- Re: Epoxy: GLASSING THE LIP
Jay Babina -- 7/28/2003, 5:27 pm- Re: Epoxy: GLASSING THE LIP
Rick Sylvia -- 7/28/2003, 8:56 am - Re: Epoxy: GLASSING THE LIP
- Re: Epoxy: GLASSING THE LIP *Pic*
- Epoxy: Great Commnets - THANKS!