Date: 7/28/2003, 9:49 am
Hi Rick,
FWIW, I suggest you glass the cockpit lip with two layers of glass. I loaned one of my boats to a friend, and it came back with a busted lip. Looks like a paddle shaft was laid across the lip, and a lot of weight was placed on it at an odd angle. Busted of a two-inch semicircle of outer lip, back to the coaming riser. Anyway, I was just starting to think that glassing the lip wasn't that important, when this lesson came down the pike. I had glassed the coaming lip top and bottom with one layer of 6 oz.
A trick I've used lately on curves and tape seams, is to use the plastic stretch twine that comes on a roll (stores use it to quickly strap packages or stacks of wood together), and when stretched over the edge or curve of a surface, it places great pressure on the glass, holding it in place. The bonus is, after pulling off the plastic when the poxy has set, the finish is almost glass smooth, and a fill coat probably won't be necessary. Saran wrap works the same way, but you can't get a good tight strectch fit with it like the tougher plastic twine. I bought mine through either Rockler or Lee Valley, mail order, as I couldn't find, borrow, beg or steal any locally.
Messages In This Thread
Rick Sylvia -- 7/28/2003, 8:18 am- Epoxy: Great Commnets - THANKS!
Rick Sylvia -- 7/29/2003, 8:19 am- Re: Epoxy: GLASSING THE LIP *Pic*
rnb4tla -- 7/28/2003, 10:50 pm- Re: Epoxy: GLASSING THE LIP
Chip Sandresky -- 7/28/2003, 1:31 pm- bias cut cloth & fillets in corners = no problems *NM*
Kurt Hoffman -- 7/28/2003, 12:41 pm- Re: Epoxy: GLASSING THE LIP
srchr/gerald -- 7/28/2003, 11:03 am- Re: lip gloss... er, glass
ootek -- 7/28/2003, 9:49 am- Re: Epoxy: GLASSING THE LIP
Dave Sprygada -- 7/28/2003, 8:54 am- Re: Epoxy: GLASSING THE LIP
Jack Sanderson -- 7/28/2003, 8:49 am- Re: Epoxy: GLASSING THE LIP
Jay Babina -- 7/28/2003, 5:27 pm- Re: Epoxy: GLASSING THE LIP
Rick Sylvia -- 7/28/2003, 8:56 am - Re: Epoxy: GLASSING THE LIP
- Re: Epoxy: GLASSING THE LIP *Pic*
- Epoxy: Great Commnets - THANKS!