Boat Building Forum

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Re: Other: Tracking Problem
By:Mark S
Date: 7/28/2003, 7:50 pm
In Response To: Re: Other: Tracking Problem (Brian Ervin)

: My first experience in my Guillemot concerned me as well. It seemed to want
: to go anyway but straight. My 1st thought was that I screwed up in the
: building process.

: Now, after much time in the boat, adjusting and re-adjusting the seat, and
: generally getting use to the handling, I realize it was me not the kayak
: that was to blame.

: Other factors to consider are wind and current. Even light winds or currents
: can change the direction of your kayak. Being inexperienced I thought it
: had to be "blow your hat off" type winds to cause problems due
: to the low profile and lenght of the boat.

: I would put in numerous hours on different types of water and under varying
: conditions b4 changing anything.

: Whatever you do, have fun with it. Not much else feels like paddling a boat
: you built yourself.

I'm prety sure I need a skeg. I get it going straight and stop paddling and the boat will start to drift a little to the left. The longer I let it go the sharper the drift. After that I changed direction (180 degrees) and the boat does the same thing.If anyone else has added a skeg and has pictures I would appreciate the opportunity to see them. Thanks for all the help.


Messages In This Thread

Other: Tracking Problem
Mark S -- 7/26/2003, 12:36 am
Re: Other: Tracking Problem
Brian Ervin -- 7/28/2003, 10:29 am
Re: Other: Tracking Problem
Mark S -- 7/28/2003, 7:50 pm
Re: Other: Tracking Problem
Mike Hanks -- 7/29/2003, 11:54 am
Re: Other: Tracking Problem
Mark S -- 7/26/2003, 10:51 pm
Re: Testing, Tracking, Skegs & Crosswinds *Pic*
Dave Houser -- 7/26/2003, 1:35 pm
Re: Other: Tracking Problem
Rob Macks -- 7/26/2003, 12:53 pm
Re: Other: Tracking Problem *Pic*
Lee NJ -- 7/26/2003, 9:42 am
Re: Other: Tracking Problem
Mark S -- 7/26/2003, 7:11 pm
no such thing as a dumb question...
Frank Eberdt -- 7/26/2003, 7:46 pm
Re: Other: Tracking Problem
Lennie Hawkins -- 7/26/2003, 10:59 am
Re: Other: Tracking Problem
charles w -- 7/26/2003, 6:53 am
Re: Other: Tracking Problem
Mark S -- 7/26/2003, 6:47 pm
Re: Other: Tracking Problem
charles w -- 7/27/2003, 6:46 am
Re: Other: Tracking Problem
Peter Strand -- 7/26/2003, 6:29 am
You might add a fixed skeg, or shift your weight
Paul G. Jacobson -- 7/26/2003, 12:45 am