: Has anyone here built one of Rob Mack's North Star, Shooting Star, or Fire
: Star? I am ready for a new boat (haven't built one in 2 years) and am
: wondering how difficult the bow is to carve and the stern is to strip. The
: bow doesn't seem too difficult, depending on if you want a cool figure on
: the top. However, the stern does look a little tricky. How difficult is it
: to 'glass those areas?
No, but I've built, or should I say "butchered", a couple of woodstrip
Aleut sterns. By trying to closely follow the offsets for the MAE-593-76
stern, I was forced to steam cedar strips to take the shape. The redwood
was too brittle, and they kept breaking. I later found, once I understood
these odd sterns better, that a "V" last station permitted the strips to
take the shape much easier and less abruptly. Glassing was pretty easy.
Trial and Error is an unforgiving master !

Messages In This Thread
- Strip: Baidarka bow and stern stripping
Al -- 7/29/2003, 10:11 am- Re: Strip: Baidarka bow and stern stripping *Pic*
John Monroe -- 7/30/2003, 3:51 am- Re: Strip: Baidarka bow and stern stripping
Will Fountain -- 7/29/2003, 8:45 pm- Re: Strip: Baidarka bow and stern stripping *LINK*
Glen Smith -- 7/29/2003, 3:47 pm- Re: Strip: Baidarka bow and stern stripping
Wes Tanaka -- 7/29/2003, 1:47 pm- Re: Strip: Baidarka bow and stern stripping *Pic*
Tom Yost -- 7/29/2003, 11:39 am - Re: Strip: Baidarka bow and stern stripping
- Re: Strip: Baidarka bow and stern stripping *Pic*