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Re: Other: cover for outside storage
By:greg root
Date: 8/1/2003, 9:11 pm
In Response To: Other: cover for outside storage (Tony W.)

: My s&g is going to be stored outside year round and I am wondering what, if
: anything, I should do about covering it. I am going to paint the boat but
: I assume that constant exposure to the elements is going to take it's toll
: no matter. Here is what I think (any advice or corrections are welcome)

: 1. The material should be waterproof or at least shed most water. I don't
: want to have to keep pulling off the cover to dry it out.
: 2. The material should be a light color to cut down on heat gain.
: 3. The cover should tie together (even if it is loose) so that it does not
: blow off in wind.
: 4. Summer is worse than winter because of rain, intense sun and temps.
: 5. Painted canvas is an option for material type and probably the cheapest.

: The rack I made is simply a set of shelf brackets (heavy duty) with 2x4s
: bolted on them and carpet glued on. The brackets are mounted to two 4 x 4
: posts which I use for my hammock (haven't used that nearly as much as I'd
: like this year). The kayak lays across the shelves on it's deck at the
: front and rear. I can store it on it's side too if that is preferred (I
: like the deck down myself).

: I have an idea, it came from seeing some of the SOF projects going on. Maybe
: a cover would not have to totally enclose the boat. How about a very long
: skinny piece of material that drapes the hull and loosely laces across the
: bottom (deck). This could be put on after the kayak is sitting in it's
: rack and the laces drawn to.

: Well that's where I'm at with that.

: --Tony
Tony-If you're considering one of the commercially available breathable covers made of Tyvek, here's a heads up-squirrels love 'em for making nests, they ripped mine up in a matter of weeks.-Greg

Messages In This Thread

Other: cover for outside storage
Tony W. -- 8/1/2003, 8:51 pm
Re: Other: cover for outside storage
GrantG -- 8/1/2003, 9:50 pm
Re: Other: cover for outside storage *Pic*
Malcolm Schweizer -- 8/1/2003, 9:31 pm
Re: Other: cover for outside storage
greg root -- 8/1/2003, 9:11 pm