Date: 8/8/2003, 10:44 am
: Hi there, Shawn.
: What's with the babies and stuff? What kind of twisted priorities have you
: sunk to? Boats? Babies? If it weren't for selfish and eccentric folks (and
: thus baby-free) like us, the world would be overun, I tell you.
: I milled 3/4" plywood down to just over 1/2" for the bulkheads.
: Each face has a full layer of S-glass, with an extra layer on the
: 'exposed' face which also wraps around onto the exterior of the hull and
: deck.
: The bolts go as far into the corners as possible, given the width of the
: fillets and the diameter of the fender washers. These areas already have
: lots of glass from the strips bonding the bulkhead to the boat, so other
: than making little flat pads to give the washers full contact, I'm adding
: no further reinforcement there.
: I know you know the customer. He's been pretty interested and excited, and
: very forgiving of my long, drawn-out work.
: Cheers, and maybe we'll see you next year towing a baby barge.
: Pete,
: in Snohomish
Hi 'gain Pete
I know you are probably in a hurry to get out of there and on the road, but how are you sealing the sections off. Aside from the usual, epoxied bolt holes, will you be adding a bead of some sort around the perimeter of the breaks to keep moisture out of the gap between them..??
Messages In This Thread
- S&G: R2K3: Work in Progress: 3-Piece AT-14 *LINK* *Pic*
Pete Roszyk -- 8/7/2003, 1:32 pm- Re: S&G: R2K3: Work in Progress: 3-Piece AT-14
Rob P -- 8/8/2003, 9:24 am- Re:Wilf this a picture of a "Frankenkayak"
joe -- 8/7/2003, 7:25 pm- Hey! I coud use one of those.
Ted Henry -- 8/7/2003, 3:11 pm- Re: Hey! I coud use one of those.
Shawn Baker -- 8/8/2003, 12:03 am
- Re: S&G: R2K3: Work in Progress: Me Too
Chip Sandresky -- 8/7/2003, 2:54 pm- Re: Looks Good Pete.. Sorry I'll miss it.
Rehd -- 8/7/2003, 2:17 pm- Re: A Few More Details, then... .
Pete Roszyk -- 8/7/2003, 10:10 pm- Re: A Few More Details, then... .
Shawn Baker -- 8/8/2003, 12:01 am- Re: A Few More Details, then... . *Pic*
Pete Roszyk -- 8/8/2003, 10:19 am- Re: Maybe just one more...
Rehd -- 8/8/2003, 10:44 am- Re: Sealing the Sections
Pehte Roszyk -- 8/11/2003, 12:37 pm
- Re: Sealing the Sections
- Re: Maybe just one more...
- Re: A Few More Details, then... . *Pic*
- Re: A Few More Details, then... .
- I feel your pain
Dale Frolander -- 8/7/2003, 2:09 pm - Re:Wilf this a picture of a "Frankenkayak"
- Re: S&G: R2K3: Work in Progress: 3-Piece AT-14