Date: 8/11/2003, 12:37 pm

: Hi 'gain Pete
: I know you are probably in a hurry to get out of there and on the road, but
: how are you sealing the sections off. Aside from the usual, epoxied bolt
: holes, will you be adding a bead of some sort around the perimeter of the
: breaks to keep moisture out of the gap between them..??
: Rehd
Hi there, Rehd.
I guess I missed this before I left for the 40-mile, 3.5-hour trip. Jeez, I hate the state ferry system!
Anyway, about sealing... .
I will not attempt to seal the entire area of the connecting sections. Instead, I just want to be sure to seal around each of the four through-bolts. I'm hoping that the simplest way to do this (in this set-up) is to simply stick a circle of sticky-back foam around each hole on one piece. This is the 2mm stuff that comes in 8.5" x 11" sheets for $ 0.50 each at the hobby section of Walmart's. It's durable close-cell foam that I've used, for example, as the knee pads under my deck or to make thin protective bumpers for my electronics.
At the connection between sections, one face is flush with its hull/deck, while the other face is receded about 1/8" or so back from the edge. Most of this gap will have to be built up with a hard pad around each bolt, since the idea is NOT to be using bulkhead flex to draw the sections together. I think that with this, just a fender-washer looking circle of foam will provide enough sealing.
I'll post a photo if you like, that is, when I recover enough from the weekend to get back at it.
Dehydrated, burned and sandy-in-places-you-don't-wanna-know-about,
in Snohomish
Messages In This Thread
- S&G: R2K3: Work in Progress: 3-Piece AT-14 *LINK* *Pic*
Pete Roszyk -- 8/7/2003, 1:32 pm- Re: S&G: R2K3: Work in Progress: 3-Piece AT-14
Rob P -- 8/8/2003, 9:24 am- Re:Wilf this a picture of a "Frankenkayak"
joe -- 8/7/2003, 7:25 pm- Hey! I coud use one of those.
Ted Henry -- 8/7/2003, 3:11 pm- Re: Hey! I coud use one of those.
Shawn Baker -- 8/8/2003, 12:03 am
- Re: S&G: R2K3: Work in Progress: Me Too
Chip Sandresky -- 8/7/2003, 2:54 pm- Re: Looks Good Pete.. Sorry I'll miss it.
Rehd -- 8/7/2003, 2:17 pm- Re: A Few More Details, then... .
Pete Roszyk -- 8/7/2003, 10:10 pm- Re: A Few More Details, then... .
Shawn Baker -- 8/8/2003, 12:01 am- Re: A Few More Details, then... . *Pic*
Pete Roszyk -- 8/8/2003, 10:19 am- Re: Maybe just one more...
Rehd -- 8/8/2003, 10:44 am- Re: Sealing the Sections
Pehte Roszyk -- 8/11/2003, 12:37 pm
- Re: Sealing the Sections
- Re: Maybe just one more...
- Re: A Few More Details, then... . *Pic*
- Re: A Few More Details, then... .
- I feel your pain
Dale Frolander -- 8/7/2003, 2:09 pm - Re:Wilf this a picture of a "Frankenkayak"
- Re: S&G: R2K3: Work in Progress: 3-Piece AT-14