You could put together a SOF hull and lay thin pieces of wood between the stringers to make temporary forms. I guess it would be easier than trying to create a similar design from scratch, but still a lot of work. I would consider going with an existing design. It should be possible to put a super-low deck on a boat like the King. I've got a Greenland style deck option for my Night Heron, don't see why you couldn't do the same for another design.
: I paddled several SOFs at last weekend's R2K3 (thanks for a great weekend
: Joe) and I really liked the narrow beam and lowered volume of those boats.
: I paddled Ben Staley's new SOF and Mike Hanks Walrus. I paddled Bill
: Price's Seaspirit and Arica's Silver (Yes, Scott Dollmeyer drove up from
: Southern California... Scott, that was a real honor to see your
: masterpiece there). Anyway, I loved the feel of the skin boats and I like
: the idea of anthropometric measurements. I started thinking it would be
: fun to do one of the SOF designs but then, when it comes time to put
: stringers on, stop and use the ribs as forms for a stripper instead.
: The downside is - you'd get a different hull shape without those stringers.
: Option two would be to build the strip version of Bobby's Seaspirit or
: drop the deck on another strip design (like a Redfish King). I would still
: use fabric on the deck; the stitching would go along the sheerline.
: - Chip

Messages In This Thread
- Skin-on-Frame: SOF/Strip Hybrid?
Chip Sandresky -- 8/11/2003, 12:44 pm- Re: Skin-on-Frame: SOF/Strip Hybrid? *Pic*
Nick Schade - Guillemot Kayaks -- 8/11/2003, 3:28 pm- Re: Puget Sound Night Herons
Chip Sandresky -- 8/11/2003, 4:11 pm- Re: Puget Sound Night Herons
Mike Hanks -- 8/11/2003, 5:04 pm
- Re: Puget Sound Night Herons
- Re: Skin-on-Frame: SOF/Strip Hybrid?
Shawn Baker -- 8/11/2003, 1:19 pm- Re: Skin-on-Frame: SOF/Strip Hybrid?
Chip Sandresky -- 8/11/2003, 1:39 pm
- Re: Puget Sound Night Herons
- Re: Skin-on-Frame: SOF/Strip Hybrid? *Pic*