: As per multi-photo posts, you would have to use something like Photoshop and
: put them together as One picture.
Of course, if you already have all the photos up on your webspace, and that's
getting full, it can be a pain to have to make space for a composite picture,
and more of a pain to have to leave that composite there for all time so that
people browsing old posts in a few years time can still see the pic.
You can get multiple pics by knowing a bit of html, and including img tags
- use "Preview" to see that it works, 'cos the BBS strips out angle brackets
and you have to type them in as escaped entities. The BBS seems to
allow some ways to add certain tags as Rehd does...
Sometimes it helps to tell a story or describe a method if you can put
more than one pic inline. But if you put multiple pics in one post - keep
them small !
Of course, sticking photos into one big mosaic can take up a lot of space
too, though its generally easy to do with things like the GIMP, Paint Shop
Pro, or even "pay-for" software like Photoshop...
Messages In This Thread
- Other: photos- multiple photos in one post?
Mark Rakestraw in upstate NY -- 8/1/2003, 9:45 am- Great looking boat, by the way....
srchr/gerald -- 8/1/2003, 11:39 am- Re: Other: photos- multiple photos in one post?
srchr/gerald -- 8/1/2003, 11:32 am- Re: Other: photos- multiple photos in one post?
Rehd -- 8/1/2003, 11:29 am- Re: Other: photos- multiple photos in one post?
Andy Waddington -- 8/13/2003, 5:17 pm- Re: Other: photos- multiple photos in one post?
Rehd -- 8/13/2003, 6:28 pm- Re: The Name Game
Paul J -- 8/14/2003, 12:49 pm- I don't geht it
Kurt Hoffman -- 8/14/2003, 9:25 am- Re: Other: photos- multiple photos in one post?
Malcolm Schweizer -- 8/13/2003, 7:55 pm - I don't geht it
- Re: The Name Game
- Re: Other: photos- multiple photos in one post?
- Re: Other: photos- multiple photos in one post?
- Great looking boat, by the way....