Re: Other: photos- multiple photos in one post?
Date: 8/13/2003, 6:28 pm
Date: 8/13/2003, 6:28 pm
In Response To: Re: Other: photos- multiple photos in one post? (Andy Waddington)
: Ahndy
Oh Andy.... If you're gonna do it, ya gots ta do it right..
The silent H comes before the last sonsonant. Or, if, as in Bihl's case, when there's a doublt consonant, you must replace the first one with the H. It's all very simple...
Oh, and you forgot the "red" before the name.
Like this: Anhdy
P.S. ( anyone see some of my "clan" at R2K3 ? If I'm not there to watch'em, they tend to be a bit shy and lurk around with their names mis-spelled )
Messages In This Thread
- Other: photos- multiple photos in one post?
Mark Rakestraw in upstate NY -- 8/1/2003, 9:45 am- Great looking boat, by the way....
srchr/gerald -- 8/1/2003, 11:39 am- Re: Other: photos- multiple photos in one post?
srchr/gerald -- 8/1/2003, 11:32 am- Re: Other: photos- multiple photos in one post?
Rehd -- 8/1/2003, 11:29 am- Re: Other: photos- multiple photos in one post?
Andy Waddington -- 8/13/2003, 5:17 pm- Re: Other: photos- multiple photos in one post?
Rehd -- 8/13/2003, 6:28 pm- Re: The Name Game
Paul J -- 8/14/2003, 12:49 pm- I don't geht it
Kurt Hoffman -- 8/14/2003, 9:25 am- Re: Other: photos- multiple photos in one post?
Malcolm Schweizer -- 8/13/2003, 7:55 pm - I don't geht it
- Re: The Name Game
- Re: Other: photos- multiple photos in one post?
- Re: Other: photos- multiple photos in one post?
- Great looking boat, by the way....