Re: Epoxy: Shrinkage
By:Kyle T
Date: 8/18/2003, 11:06 am
Date: 8/18/2003, 11:06 am
In Response To: Epoxy: Shrinkage (Dan G)
: Finally, if I'm reapplying epoxy, how perfect do I need to be in removing the
: varnish? My epoxy build was thin in several places, and I want to be as
: tender with the sander as I can.
: Thanks,
I repaired a gouge in the deck of my yak and didn't get all the varnish off in the surrounding area. The spots of varnish left dark pools of gold under the epoxy. It looked terrible and I had to sand the new epoxy off and make sure I got all the varnish off the surrounding area before reapplying. It turned out well but it was a lot of extra unnecessary work. Be sure to get all the varnish the first time.
Messages In This Thread
- Epoxy: Shrinkage
Dan G -- 8/18/2003, 8:30 am- Re: Epoxy: Shrinkage
Kyle T -- 8/18/2003, 11:06 am- Re: Epoxy: Shrinkage
Sam McFadden -- 8/18/2003, 10:38 am - Re: Epoxy: Shrinkage
- Re: Epoxy: Shrinkage