: Hi there, Andy.
: Well, you caught me: I'm not much of a surf zone kind of paddler.
No offence intended :-) I don't particularly choose to paddle in surf,
its just that most of the good sea paddling in the UK is in places which
are kind of exposed - a lot of western Scotland gets Atlantic swell, as
do all the nice bits of Ireland with little islands. We were at St. Abbs
on Sunday (North Sea coast) with a harbour launch, but we would have
chosen the beach (saving a pound each on the cost of putting in in the
harbour if the tide hadn't been too far out. If conditions need a boat
with a skeg, it usually means a quick launch and punch out to calmer water
is needed. Pardon the big photo - it shows the sort of paddling we go for -
this zawn is in the lee of some bigger stacks, so the swell was quite reduced.
Six seconds earlier (another photo) the paddler was about five feet higher...
: I still prefer the single stiff cable method to operate the skeg, though. All
: the other ways to do it are either more complicated to make, involve
: waterproofing extra fittings, rely on bungee for positive deployment or
: retraction, or have some difficulty in their operation.
I think you are right. I like the cable method, both on my commerical
fibreglass kayak and on my own hybrid Cormorant. I was mainly wondering
if anyone knew of a different method which might be less fiddly to build.
Looks like no-one does
: You seem to have focused on sand jamming as your main complaint, yes?
With my hybrid, that was the problem, though I know how to build the
skeg box to avoid it next time (probably jam with pebbles instead...)
: Too
: little clearance and it jams too easily; too loose and it chatters.
Too loose and you get a lot of drag through turbulence in the box, even
with the skeg up. I'm not building racers, but I don't want to throw
away energy ...

Messages In This Thread
- Seeking: Skeg mechnanism thoughts
Andy Waddington -- 8/14/2003, 7:55 am- Re: Seeking: Skeg mechnanism thoughts
Severne -- 8/15/2003, 11:21 am- Re: Seeking: Skeg mechnanism thoughts
Andy Waddington -- 8/15/2003, 3:40 pm- Re: Avoidance is half the cure *Pic*
Pete Roszyk -- 8/15/2003, 4:29 pm- Re: Avoidance is half the cure
Andy Waddington -- 8/16/2003, 5:54 pm- Re: You calling me yellow?
Pete Roszyk -- 8/20/2003, 12:26 pm- Re: You calling me yellow? *Pic*
Andy Waddington -- 8/20/2003, 4:30 pm
- Re: You calling me yellow? *Pic*
- Re: You calling me yellow?
- Re: Avoidance is half the cure
- Re: Avoidance is half the cure *Pic*
- Re: Seeking: Skeg mechnanism thoughts
John K -- 8/15/2003, 12:05 am- Re: Seeking: Skeg mechnanism thoughts
Brian Nystrom -- 8/14/2003, 3:33 pm- Re: Seeking: Skeg mechnanism thoughts *Pic*
Malcolm Schweizer -- 8/14/2003, 8:11 am - Re: Seeking: Skeg mechnanism thoughts
- Re: Seeking: Skeg mechnanism thoughts