: You might come up with a superior dry suit, at a lower cost, which would make
: cold-water potection more affordable and more available to more paddlers.
: Just because Goretex is incredibly expensive does not mean that it is the
: best material for this job.
True and there are many alternatives on the market.
: With proper seals those micropore jumpsuits
: might actually work out better than goretex. If they can be sealed well,
: with their lower cost you would find more people wearing them -- and that
: might eliminate a few tragedies each year.
I really think this is an extremely dangerous idea. Disposable suits have ZERO durability. I've used Tyvek suits in industrial and cleanroom environments. They have modest tensile strength and very little abrasion resistance. In industrial settings, we had to replace them daily, if not more often. In a cleanroom, you could generally use one for a few days, but that's a far cry from the environment in a kayak. They're most commonly used for protection from paint spray or dust and they work admirably for that, though it's standard (and necessary) practice to tape the wrist, ankle and neck openings for maximum protection. In a kayak, you'd be lucky to get through a day without leaks. That's not what I would call protection. The only real paddling use I can think of is as an inexpensive, disposable wind shell, though I prefer to carry something that I can use repeatedly.
: The current cost of protection against hypothermia is fairly high. As a
: result of costs and poor education too many paddlers are willing to risk
: exposing themselves to this plight. As I see it, any effort that leads
: toward the production of better safety equipment at lower prices is going
: to increase the availability of these devies, and also their use.
: Hopefully that will save lives. or at least amke paddling more comfortable
: ovr a longer season.
A noble goal, to be sure.
Messages In This Thread
- Other: Making a drysuit
Jim Pace -- 8/19/2003, 10:09 pm- On a more practical note
Brian Nystrom -- 8/21/2003, 12:56 pm- Re: On a more practical note
Jim Pace -- 8/21/2003, 11:09 pm- So true...
Brian Nystrom -- 8/22/2003, 12:26 pm- And then there is something else to consider
Paul G. Jacobson -- 8/21/2003, 11:59 pm- Re: And then there is something else to consider
Brian Nystrom -- 8/22/2003, 12:43 pm
- And then there is something else to consider
- DIY projects
Paul G. Jacobson -- 8/21/2003, 8:43 pm- Re: DIY projects
Brian Nystrom -- 8/22/2003, 12:25 pm
- So true...
- Re: Other: Making a drysuit
Marcel R. in Portland, Or. -- 8/20/2003, 10:26 am- Re: Other: Making a drysuit
Paul G. Jacobson -- 8/20/2003, 1:40 am- Re: Other: Making a drysuit
Jim Pace -- 8/20/2003, 9:49 am- another thought *Pic*
Paul G. Jacobson -- 8/21/2003, 1:59 am- Re: another thought
Jim Pace -- 8/21/2003, 10:06 am
- Re: Other: Making a drysuit *Pic*
Paul G. Jacobson -- 8/21/2003, 1:17 am- Re: Other: Making a drysuit
Malcolm Schweizer -- 8/21/2003, 6:48 am
- Re: another thought
- A wacko idea
Wayne -- 8/20/2003, 7:54 am- Re: breathable chest waders
Kurt Loup, Baton Rouge -- 8/20/2003, 12:11 pm- Re: breathable chest waders
Shawn Baker -- 8/20/2003, 6:29 pm
- Re: A wacko idea
Tom Yost -- 8/20/2003, 9:11 am- Re: A wacko idea
jimkozel -- 8/20/2003, 11:28 pm
- Re: breathable chest waders
- another thought *Pic*
- Re: Other: Making a drysuit *Pic*
Chip Sandresky -- 8/19/2003, 11:32 pm - Re: On a more practical note
- On a more practical note