: I have a sideboard from the late 1800's with very beautiful bow front drawers
: and one of the pulls are missing as well as the two handles for the bottom
: cabinet doors. It's a real nice piece that deserves some type of
: refurbishing. They are brass. The fixed pull is a round brass fixture.
: Very ornate and the two swinging handles were also brass, so says the
: memory of a very old woman. She says she may still have them.
I got the names of a few companies which do brass castings for restorations from:
Since you have one of the original drawer pulls it can be used to make a sand mold, or a plaster mold from which a new drawer pull can be cast. If you have a torch to melt the brass you cna do this yourself, or you can turn it over to a foundry such as one of those I've lsited below. heck the website for more possibilities. You may also find someone in your area by checking the local yellow pages under metal casting or foundries.
Bronze Craft Corp., Nashua, NH.
Phone: 800-488-7747; 603-883-7747, Fax: 603-883-0222
Manufacturer of metalwork & hardware: windows, plaques & specialty items; sand-cast brass, bronze & white bronze; historic reproductions & traditional designs available.
- - -
Arizona Bronze Atelier Fine Art Foundry, Tempe, AZ.
Phone: 480-968-4011, Fax: 480-968-4021
Art foundry, sculpture garden & gallery: large-scale to miniature commissions.
- - -
Cirecast, San Francisco, CA.
Phone: 415-822-3030, Fax: 415-822-3004
Manufacturer of historic builders hardware & ornamental castings: hardware for shutters & pocket doors in brass; cremone bolts, door knobs, hinges, lever handles, lock sets & push plates; replication & refurbishment. Catalog: $5.00
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Deggingers' Foundry, Topeka, KS.
Phone: 785-232-4788, Fax: 785-232-4972
Manufacturer & restorer of specialty metalwork: railings, lighting, hardware, sculpture, signage, plaques, gates, registers, grilles, furniture & more; wrought iron/steel, stainless, aluminum, bronze, brass, copper & cast iron.
- - - -
Herwig Lighting, Russellville, AR.
Phone: 800-643-9523; 479-968-2621, Fax: 479-968-6422
Designer & manufacturer of cast metalwork: light fixtures, posts, benches, bollards & more; aluminum & bronze; hand crafted.
Historical Arts & Casting, Inc., West Jordan, UT.
Phone: 800-225-1414; 801-280-2400, Fax: 801-280-2493
Designer & custom fabricator of ornamental metalwork: bronze windows, stairs, columns, balusters, railings, lighting, planters & urns, fountains, domes, facades & more; iron, bronze, aluminum & steel; restoration & custom projects.
House Bronze, Lubbock, TX.
Phone: 806-794-3571, Fax: 806-798-2519
Restorer & reproducer of ornamental fixtures, door hardware & other metal castings: art castings of studio & monumental scale; plaques & signage.
Johnson Pattern & Machine Works, Ottawa, IL.
Phone: 815-433-2775, Fax: 815-433-1121
Custom fabricator of ornamental metalwork: gates, railings, lighting, registers, grilles & cast-metal ornament; iron/steel, bronze & aluminum; custom work, restoration & repair.
Modern Art Foundry, Astoria, NY.
Phone: 718-728-2030, Fax: 718-267-0819
Bronze casting company: lost-wax & sand castings; non-ferrous metals; sculpture services, conservation & maintenance & commemorative-design services; with over 70 years of experience.
-- - - - - - -- - - -
Just for the heck of it I found the URL for Cirecast and took a look at their page.
I don't know if the picture below is of drawer pulls or doorknobs, but is sure is nice stuff they do
Good luck with your project.

Messages In This Thread
- Off Topic: Way Off
Arko Bronaugh -- 8/29/2003, 6:40 pm- Re: Off Topic: Way Off *LINK*
Roger Nuffer -- 8/30/2003, 3:20 pm- Restoration Hardware
Paul G. Jacobson -- 8/30/2003, 12:46 am- Re: Restoration Hardware
Arko Bronaugh -- 8/30/2003, 3:41 pm- another possibility *Pic*
Paul G. Jacobson -- 9/3/2003, 10:45 pm
- another possibility *Pic*
- Re: Off Topic: Way Off *LINK* *Pic*
Glen Smith -- 8/29/2003, 7:37 pm- Re: Off Topic: Way Off *LINK*
Glen Smith -- 8/29/2003, 8:13 pm- Re: Off Topic: Way Off
mike worthan -- 8/29/2003, 10:58 pm- Thanks for the links Mike & Glen *NM*
Arko Bronaugh -- 8/29/2003, 11:29 pm- Re: Thanks for the links Mike & Glen
Wilf Cornell -- 8/30/2003, 8:39 am
- Re: Thanks for the links Mike & Glen
- Thanks for the links Mike & Glen *NM*
- Re: Off Topic: Way Off
- Restoration Hardware
- Re: Off Topic: Way Off *LINK*