Re: How about one of these?

In Response To: How about one of these?
*Pic* (Ted Henry)

: Just about everything else has been tried. Roger even showed up to R2K3 with
: his SOF held together with zip ties. Maybe he could donate the extras to
: the project. Might have to link them together though.
: Ted
Now that's an awesome boat! Remember a couple years ago someone had a carved dog head on the bow of their boat? My son would love either boat!
I'll let Jim build whatever he wants. But... Nick has a very fast flatwater kayak on his "Drawing board" page. 23' LOA, 18" beam. I'd like to try this out on our New Mexico mud puddles.
Maybe this weekend I'll get a page done up on the zip tie folder.
Messages In This Thread
- Seeking: New Project
Jim Looker -- 9/5/2003, 9:57 am- Re: Seeking: New Project
Roger Nuffer -- 9/5/2003, 6:18 pm- Re: Super-Nice Guy !!
Rehd -- 9/5/2003, 10:15 pm- How about one of these?
Ted Henry -- 9/6/2003, 12:05 am- Re: How about one of these?
Roger Nuffer -- 9/6/2003, 1:03 pm- If I remember right....
Larry -- 9/6/2003, 9:52 pm- Re: If I remember right....
Roger Nuffer -- 9/7/2003, 9:19 pm- I think we forgot to answer Jim's origional...
Roger Nuffer -- 9/7/2003, 9:24 pm- Origional Question
Jim Looker -- 9/8/2003, 8:50 am
- Origional Question
- I think we forgot to answer Jim's origional...
- Re: If I remember right....
- If I remember right....
- Re: How about one of these?
- How about one of these?
- Re: Seeking: New Project *Pic*
Greg Bridges -- 9/5/2003, 12:15 pm - Re: Super-Nice Guy !!
- Re: Seeking: New Project