Date: 9/9/2003, 7:39 pm
You can go down to about 120 grit before the foam starts tearing. For a really smooth finish give it a quick pass with a heat gun on low setting but make sure you practice first on some scrap so you know how far away to hold it and how long to linger in one area. The heat gun melts any fuss left from the sand paper.
You still have plenty of grip from the foam and you don't have to worry about the lycra etc coming unglued.
: I cheated. I let Joe make the seat. I have since seen him demonstrat his
: technique and have replicated some of it in building the seatback for my
: new SOF. Start with a right-angle grinder with a 36 or 50 grit disc to do
: the gross shaping. A light touch and a strong grip on the grinder are
: critical, as foam disappears at a shocking rate. Never stop moving with
: the tool. When you get the basic shape you want, shape with a piece of
: sandpaper (60 or 80 grit) wrapped around a piece of minicell. That is
: enough for a reasonably smooth finish. You can use finer grit paper for a
: smoother finish. If you want it really smooth, apply spray adhesive and
: cover with lycra or speaker fabric. I like the grip of the 80 grit finish.
: Joe (Greenley) feel free to correct me if I have misspoke on the process.
: Regards,
: Marcel

Messages In This Thread
- Other: Fitting kayak to me?
Scott Gage -- 9/9/2003, 1:11 pm- Re: Other: Fitting kayak to me? *LINK*
Marcel R. in Portland, OR -- 9/12/2003, 10:35 pm- Re: Other: Fitting kayak to me? *LINK*
Mitch Isoe -- 9/14/2003, 6:18 am- Thanks for all the suggestions. Scott Gage *NM*
Scott Gage -- 9/15/2003, 10:19 am
- Thanks for all the suggestions. Scott Gage *NM*
- Re: Other: Fitting kayak to me?
Jay Babina -- 9/10/2003, 8:12 am- Re: Other: Fitting kayak to me?
Paul Jacob -- 9/9/2003, 3:44 pm- Re: Instructor vs Tape *LINK*
Brad Farr -- 9/11/2003, 3:19 pm- Re: Other: Fitting kayak to me?
Scott Gage -- 9/9/2003, 3:48 pm - Re: Other: Fitting kayak to me?
- Re: Other: Fitting kayak to me? *LINK* *Pic*
Marcel R. in Portland, Or. -- 9/9/2003, 2:00 pm- Bad pic link. Here is the right one. Sorry
*NM* *Pic*
Marcel R. in Portland, Or. -- 9/9/2003, 2:04 pm- Foam Seat & Backrest
Grant -- 9/10/2003, 10:11 am- Re: Foam Seat & Backrest *Pic*
Marcel R. in Portland, Or. -- 9/10/2003, 12:04 pm- Re: Foam Seat & Backrest
Grant -- 9/10/2003, 12:15 pm- Re: Foam Seat & Backrest *Pic*
Marcel R. in Portland, OR -- 9/10/2003, 3:19 pm- Re: Foam Seat & Backrest
Chris Moore -- 9/14/2003, 11:31 am- Re: Foam Seat & Backrest
Grant -- 9/10/2003, 3:26 pm - Re: Foam Seat & Backrest
- Re: Foam Seat & Backrest
- Re: Foam Seat & Backrest *Pic*
- Re: Foam Seat & Backrest
- How did you get the foam so smooth? *NM*
Brian Ervin -- 9/9/2003, 4:50 pm- Re: How did you get the foam so smooth?
Marcel R. in Portland, Or. -- 9/9/2003, 6:10 pm- Re: How did you get the foam so smooth? *LINK* *Pic*
GrantG -- 9/9/2003, 7:39 pm
- Re: How did you get the foam so smooth? *LINK* *Pic*
- Re: Bad pic link. Here is the right one. Sorry
Scott Gage -- 9/9/2003, 3:10 pm - Re: Foam Seat & Backrest *Pic*
- Foam Seat & Backrest
- Re: Other: Fitting kayak to me? *LINK*
- Re: Other: Fitting kayak to me? *LINK*