Date: 9/11/2003, 5:02 pm
Date: 9/11/2003, 5:02 pm
In Response To: Epoxy: Help! - Seam Tape not Vanishing *Pic* (Grant)
It just ocurred to me that I had painter's tape along the seam prior to adding the glass tape. Could it be some of the residual tape glue that has left these white flecks?
Messages In This Thread
- Epoxy: Help! - Seam Tape not Vanishing *Pic*
Grant -- 9/11/2003, 2:55 pm- Re: Epoxy: Help! - Seam Tape not Vanishing
Jim Pace -- 9/11/2003, 6:51 pm- Impurities?
Grant -- 9/11/2003, 5:02 pm- Re: Epoxy: Help! - Seam Tape not Vanishing
STEVE POLLACK -- 9/11/2003, 4:28 pm- SIRINGES
Timothy Mulherin -- 9/12/2003, 8:21 am- Re: Epoxy: Help! - Seam Tape not Vanishing
Grant -- 9/11/2003, 4:44 pm - Re: Epoxy: Help! - Seam Tape not Vanishing
- Impurities?
- Re: Epoxy: Help! - Seam Tape not Vanishing