Date: 9/11/2003, 8:59 pm
Almost all the boats I build for myself are experimental, test craft...or I just plain use them hard. I have no shame. I certainly don't recommend running into rocks, trees, and stumps with a strip built or S&G...BUT it's nice to know that they can take a lot of abuse. If one anticipates rough use then one should prepare for it. I didn't originally plan on using my boat for marathon racing...but...what the heck. I will retire it from racing Dec. 6th, clean it up, finish the fill coats (yes...they are not done yet), and varnish it. I'll build a S&G for next years racing. I'll be experimenting a lot with S glass cloth before I go on to carbon fiber and kevlar. In fact...if the S glass proves suitable I'll stick with it. Anyway...don't go out and look for any rocks to hit. One will come for you someday.
Messages In This Thread
- Strip: hull strength *LINK*
srchr/gerald -- 9/10/2003, 6:31 pm- Re: Strip: hull strength
James Nixon -- 9/11/2003, 8:38 pm- Re: Strip: hull strength
srchr/gerald -- 9/11/2003, 8:59 pm- Re: Strip: hull strength -- OUCH!! *LINK* *Pic*
Kurt Maurer -- 9/11/2003, 11:26 pm
- Re: Strip: hull strength -- OUCH!! *LINK* *Pic*
- Re: Strip: hull strength
- Re: Strip: hull strength