Boat Building Forum

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Re: Strip: hull strength -- OUCH!! *LINK* *Pic*
By:Kurt Maurer
Date: 9/11/2003, 11:26 pm
In Response To: Re: Strip: hull strength (srchr/gerald)

Maybe it's just something about the way Texans approach kayaking...

My CLC Mill Creeks have certainly been through hell. Two trips in particular come readily to mind. The first was last spring, when Leslie and I paddled up the San Saba river in almost-west-Texas. We drug the boats over rocky shallows on the way up, and bashed our way over 'em on the way back down wherever we could get up enough speed to pull it off. Had to add a patch or two after that one. Then, last July, there was that near-fatal trip down the Rogue River in southwestern Oregon. We were assured it was a class I rapids situation at most, but I still think it was class III at least, and maybe class IV. Anyway, we were flung against large boulders at high velocity, and each heard distictive, and thoroughly frightening, wood-splintering sounds come from our hulls over the roar of the white water. We ran three sets of rapids in about a mile of river before putting ashore, drenched, and aborting the rest of the erstwhile 11 mile trip. The boats, amazingly enough, showed no damage, but I wonder about the condition of the laminates in our plywood now. They still seem to be fine though, and I can yet find no reason to worry.

The hulls are 5-panel multi-chine designs, with a 6mm okoume flat center panel making up the bottom, 4mm okoume making up the rest. Raka 5 ounce cloth outside, and 3", 6 ounce tape and fillets inside.

Cheers, Kurt

Messages In This Thread

Strip: hull strength *LINK*
srchr/gerald -- 9/10/2003, 6:31 pm
Re: Strip: hull strength
James Nixon -- 9/11/2003, 8:38 pm
Re: Strip: hull strength
srchr/gerald -- 9/11/2003, 8:59 pm
Re: Strip: hull strength -- OUCH!! *LINK* *Pic*
Kurt Maurer -- 9/11/2003, 11:26 pm