Date: 9/12/2003, 4:22 pm
: Grant,
: Where do you find the Paulownia?
: Thanks,
: Sam
Hi Sam
Grant gave me several site URL's a couple of weeks ago when I had also asked about it.
However, all I have been able to locate are nurseries that grow, or dealers that supply seeds or seedlings.
I Tried one in florida that seemed like a good source and their email is defunct so snail-mailed to them instead but have gotten no response.
I wrote/emailed a few folks in the NorthWest to see if they had heard about it, but only Mike Hanks has seen this wood and that was, I believe, a plantation of trees somewhere in Washington. Last he mentioned to me was that he was going to try to find the owners and get whatever info he could find from them.
All the sites I read stated how this wood has been in this country for several years, used for furniture construction and also Fine-Furniture, and they showed pictures, but I have been in or around the industry for 25 to 28 years and have never heard of it. ??? Neither have any of the retailers or wholesalers in my area.
They also boast of it's ongoing use in the Marine industry and small boats.
So, I'm sure all you old-time Mariners are just teaming with good info on this particular wood.... Come on, fess up, don't be holding out on your brothers and sisters of the KBB. That's not good karma!! And it's just plain Awnery!!
Supposedly, there are plantations in the South, North West and North East. I believe that two of the dealers of seedlings that I emailed were in Florida... but no responses from anyone so far. ???
They tout it as being lighter than fir, pine, WRC, Redwood and being close to or as strong ( in some respects ) as any of them, and compatable in price. ??? And of course, just barely lighter than balsa. ???
I would be interested in whatever YOU may find if you decide to take on this chanllenge. And this message will NOT self-destruct when finished.... unless someone takes out the KBB or something more drastic... ???
Here's the list of URL's Grant sent me.
I got lots of info to drool over, but haven't found anyone to contact that's milling the wood, for growing to milling or selling it... ??
Good Luck !!
Messages In This Thread
- Strip: Wood Strength
Grant Glazer -- 9/12/2003, 12:39 am- Re: Strip: Wood Strength
Grant Glazer -- 9/12/2003, 3:46 pm- Re: Strip: Wood Strength
John K -- 9/15/2003, 7:40 pm- I'm Rapt with it
Grant Glazer -- 9/15/2003, 7:52 pm
- Re: Strip: More Paulownia Info *LINK*
Grant Glazer -- 9/12/2003, 3:56 pm - I'm Rapt with it
- Re: Strip: Wood Strength
Sam McFadden -- 9/12/2003, 11:33 am- Re: Strip: Wood Strength
greg root -- 9/12/2003, 5:05 pm- Hmmmm
Sam McFadden -- 9/12/2003, 9:19 pm
- Re: Possibilities.... Paulownia .... ???
Rehd -- 9/12/2003, 4:22 pm- Re: Possibilities.... Paulownia .... ???
Scott Holmen -- 9/12/2003, 7:19 pm- Re: Possibilities.... Paulownia .... ???
Rehd -- 9/12/2003, 10:00 pm- Re: Possibilities.... Paulownia .... ???
Grant Glazer -- 9/12/2003, 11:38 pm- Re: Possibilities.... Paulownia .... ???
Rehd -- 9/13/2003, 11:18 am- Re: Possibilities.... Paulownia .... ???
Grant Glazer -- 9/13/2003, 3:16 pm
- Re: Possibilities.... Paulownia .... ???
- Re: Possibilities.... Paulownia .... ???
- Re: Possibilities.... Paulownia .... ???
- Possibilities....
Sam McFadden -- 9/12/2003, 4:31 pm- Re: Possibilities....
Rehd -- 9/16/2003, 12:02 am- Re: Possibilities....
Sam McFadden -- 9/16/2003, 10:40 am
- Re: Possibilities....
Rehd -- 9/12/2003, 4:45 pm - Re: Possibilities....
- Re: Correction: Slightly HEAVIER than Balsa *NM*
Rehd -- 9/12/2003, 4:30 pm - Re: Possibilities.... Paulownia .... ???
- Re: Strip: Wood Strength
Grant Glazer -- 9/12/2003, 3:53 pm- Paulownia
Sam McFadden -- 9/12/2003, 4:12 pm- Kauri
Pete Notman -- 9/12/2003, 5:52 pm- Recycled
Sam McFadden -- 9/12/2003, 6:45 pm
- Re: Paulownia *LINK* *Pic*
Grant Glazer -- 9/12/2003, 4:57 pm - Recycled
- Kauri
- Hmmmm
- Re: Strip: Wood Strength
srchr/gerald -- 9/12/2003, 11:12 am- Re: Strip: Wood Strength
Rich C -- 9/12/2003, 10:59 am- Re: Strip: Wood Strength
Don Lucas -- 9/12/2003, 10:18 am - Re: Strip: Wood Strength
- Re: Strip: Wood Strength