Date: 9/14/2003, 10:32 am
I developed the coaming riser pictures from late August and posted them. One of them is shown below, the other is at the link below about 3/4 of the way down the page.
Well this past week didn't cooperate weather wise so I was unable to do any actual work on the kayak, but I did manage to buy some straggling items in preparation for my launch (now postponed until next weekend). Unfortunately this weekend has not been as productive as I had hoped so far. It seems that I have a bunch of little items to finish and they all seem fraught with problems.
I am getting ready to go build the rack for my truck, I appreciate all the good advice I received and now feel more confident that my design will suffice with a few adjustments.
I have to go and get some nylon for a spray skirt as I managed to foul up the only neoprene I had trying to make the cockpit cover yesterday. Basically I ended up with a black neoprene bathing cap for someone with a huge head! I used the directions from the John Sweet website link and despite reading it many times the actual job turned out to be much harder than the theory of it. I figured that if I screwed it up somehow at least I would have a cockpit cover (even it was ugly). This may still happen but getting it on the rim is a major tug of war. I think maybe the shock cord is too tight coupled with too many wrinkles to allow it to slide under the lip. Luckily I can still adjust the shock cord length so I may make it work for a cover after all.
Well gotta run, I'm burnin precious daylight.
Messages In This Thread
- S&G: coaming riser pics and update *LINK* *Pic*
Tony W. -- 9/14/2003, 10:32 am- Re: S&G: coaming riser pics and update *NM*
hudpucker -- 9/16/2003, 1:12 am- Re: S&G: coaming riser pics and update *LINK*
srchr/gerald -- 9/14/2003, 10:57 am - Re: S&G: coaming riser pics and update *LINK*
- Re: S&G: coaming riser pics and update *NM*