: I went home last night and tried to replicate the problem using some pine
: scrap but couldn't get it to screw up again. I have some nice knotty pine
: strips now The only thing that changed before this test was the fence
: (which indicates a possible fence-parallel-to-blade problem).
: . . . Tonight I think I'll purposefully set the fence a touch off to see if this
: replicates the problem.
: I'll post the results. Then I'm setting the saw up as advised.
Congratulations on making those nice knotty pine strips. Quit while you are ahead.
I urge you NOT to try (again!) to recreate this problem. Be happy it is gone.
Consider the possible outcomes: If you succeed in recreating the porblem, then what do you have? A problem! And more wasted wood. On the other hand, if you fail to recreate the problem what do you have? More wasted wood and wasted time.
And those would be your POSITIVE solutions !!!
The possible negative solutions would include doing damage to your sawblade (it could permanently warp), your saw (you could mess up the alignment of the fence, or the bearings), or possibly damage to yourself (an erratic blade can snag the wood and hurl those strips back at you, or it can shatter and send sharp steel shards at you.) A 3 horsepower motor has an awful lot of "kick" -- you don't want to be on the receiving end of it.
None of these possibilities are worth the risk. A broken table saw is an expensive thing to replace. And I couldn't put a price on an injury to the builder.
Please reconsider your experiment and stay safe. All you want out of this process is neat strips, not bandages.
Messages In This Thread
- Strip: Strip ripping problem *Pic*
Ted G -- 9/16/2003, 2:07 pm- Re: Strip: Strip ripping problem
Rob Macks -- 9/17/2003, 5:25 pm- Update...
Ted G -- 9/17/2003, 9:03 am- make strips. not problems
Paul G. Jacobson -- 9/17/2003, 5:11 pm- Re: make strips. not problems
Ted G -- 9/17/2003, 5:24 pm
- Re: Update...
Rob P -- 9/17/2003, 10:05 am- Re: Update...
Ted G -- 9/17/2003, 10:30 am
- Re: Update...
Don Lucas -- 9/17/2003, 9:41 am - Re: make strips. not problems
- Re: Nice pattern though... !!
Rehd -- 9/17/2003, 12:31 am- Re: Strip: Strip ripping problem
mook -- 9/17/2003, 12:17 am- Re: Strip: Strip ripping problem
Joe Greenley -- 9/16/2003, 10:12 pm- Re: Strip: Strip ripping problem
Handy -- 9/16/2003, 9:02 pm- Re: Strip: Strip ripping problem
Dave -- 9/16/2003, 8:45 pm- Re: Strip: Strip ripping problem
Russ Chambers -- 9/16/2003, 8:30 pm- Re: Strip: Strip ripping problem
Ken Blanton -- 9/16/2003, 6:04 pm- Re: My 2 Cents
Ken Blanton -- 9/16/2003, 5:55 pm- Re: My 2 Cents
Steve Frederick -- 9/16/2003, 7:10 pm- Re: My 2 Cents
Mike Scarborough -- 9/16/2003, 6:35 pm - Re: My 2 Cents
- Re: Strip: Strip ripping problem
srchr/gerald -- 9/16/2003, 4:59 pm- Re: Strip: Strip ripping problem
Chip Sandresky -- 9/16/2003, 4:35 pm- Re: Strip: Strip ripping problem
Jay Babina -- 9/16/2003, 3:20 pm- Re: Strip: Strip ripping problem
Glen Smith -- 9/16/2003, 3:32 pm- One more thing
Jay Babina -- 9/16/2003, 3:30 pm - One more thing
- Re: Strip: Strip ripping problem
Rick Sylvia -- 9/16/2003, 2:37 pm- Saw info *Pic*
Ted G -- 9/16/2003, 2:47 pm- Re: Saw info
Rick Sylvia -- 9/16/2003, 3:01 pm
- Re: Saw info
- Re: Strip: Strip ripping problem
Jim Kozel -- 9/16/2003, 2:27 pm- Re: Strip: Strip ripping problem
Ted G -- 9/16/2003, 2:30 pm- Re: Strip: Strip ripping problem
Danny Cox -- 9/16/2003, 2:59 pm
- Re: Strip: Strip ripping problem
- Update...
- Re: Strip: Strip ripping problem