Re: Strip: sand smooth now or later
By:Mike Scarborough
Date: 9/19/2003, 8:54 am
Date: 9/19/2003, 8:54 am
In Response To: Strip: sand smooth now or later (David Humphries)
David in Tasmania--
I like to do all my fill coats at one time, get the weave well filled. Then let everything cure for a few days, sand aggressively and come back with a final coat of epoxy (to be sanded also) as a base for varnish or paint. By waiting until I get my (usually) 3 fill coats on there is less chance of sanding into glass fiber.
Mike Scarborough
Friendship Kayak
Messages In This Thread
- Strip: sand smooth now or later
David Humphries -- 9/18/2003, 9:09 pm- Re: Strip: sand smooth now or later
John K -- 9/19/2003, 6:22 pm- Re: Strip: sand smooth now or later
David Humphries -- 9/19/2003, 8:19 pm- Re: Strip: sand smooth now or later
Ron Deane -- 9/20/2003, 2:58 am
- Re: Strip: sand smooth now or later
- Re: Strip: sand smooth now or later
Mike Scarborough -- 9/19/2003, 8:54 am- Re: Strip: sand smooth now or later
Ron Deane -- 9/19/2003, 8:00 am- Re: Strip: sand smooth now or later
Robert N Pruden -- 9/19/2003, 6:41 am- I'm assuming, of course, that you let the epoxy...
Robert N Pruden -- 9/19/2003, 6:45 am- I've also used a razorblade to cut it off *NM*
Robert N Pruden -- 9/19/2003, 6:42 am - I've also used a razorblade to cut it off *NM*
- Consider scraping, not sanding. less mess/time
Paul G. Jacobson -- 9/18/2003, 10:32 pm- Re: Strip: sand smooth now or later
srchr/gerald -- 9/18/2003, 10:16 pm - Re: Strip: sand smooth now or later
- Re: Strip: sand smooth now or later