Re: Announce: Congrats to Nick for his award winni
In Response To: Announce: Congrats to Nick for his award winning design (Timothy Mulherin)
: Hey Nick,
: If you have not won any awards yet for the Night Heron design you can now
: sleep better. I entered mine in the Orange Country Fair this weekend and
: took First Place and BEST IN SHOW!!
: Keep up the great work and thank you for a great design; she's a blast.
: Which one next???????????
: Timothy Mulherin
Credit goes to the builder. Congratulations.
Messages In This Thread
- Announce: Congrats to Nick for his award winning design
Timothy Mulherin -- 9/22/2003, 8:17 am- Re: How bout a PIC ???? *NM*
Dave Houser -- 9/22/2003, 3:13 pm- Kudos all around.
Robert N Pruden -- 9/22/2003, 1:16 pm- Congrats to builder and designer.... *NM*
srchr/gerald -- 9/22/2003, 11:10 am- Re: Announce: Congrats to Nick for his award winni
Nick Schade - Guillemot Kayaks -- 9/22/2003, 9:04 am- Gonna send him a T shirt ? *Pic*
Paul G. Jacobson -- 9/22/2003, 9:48 pm
- Kudos all around.
- Re: How bout a PIC ???? *NM*