Date: 9/22/2003, 2:57 pm
It's probably been done but whether or not it was a success is hard to judge. The proof is in the paddling and there aren't that many boats of this type afloat at the moment.
Here's the problem you have to solve when contemplating a take-apart kayak. The keel of a kayak or any boat,for that that matter, has to be straight. If it isn't the boat will do neat tricks like constantly trying to make a right or left turn. In a human powered boat these kind of antics can get old in a hurry. If you cut a boat apart and can figure out how to make sure the pieces always line up when reassembled you've got it made. Also, your mating bulkheads have to be water tight so you can't punch any holes on them for connecting purposes.
With the struggles that I've had building paddle boats the thought of hacking a perfectly good hull apart fills me with horror.
No guts no glory ,I guess.
: I have seen a few references to building a stitch and Glue kayak as a 3 piece
: take apart. Has anyone ever tried this (or seen it tried) with a strip
: built kayak?
Messages In This Thread
- Strip: Take apart kayak question?
Randy Wright -- 9/22/2003, 9:35 am- Re: Strip: Take apart kayak question?
Pete Roszyk -- 9/25/2003, 10:24 am- Re: Strip: Take apart kayak question?
Randy Wright -- 9/25/2003, 3:30 pm- Re: Strip: Take apart kayak question? *NM* *Pic*
Bill Price -- 9/25/2003, 11:56 am- Re: Strip: Take apart kayak question? *NM* *Pic*
Bill Price -- 9/25/2003, 11:56 am- Re: Strip: Take apart kayak question? *NM* *Pic*
Bill Price -- 9/25/2003, 11:56 am- Re: Strip: Take apart kayak question? *NM* *Pic*
Bill Price -- 9/25/2003, 11:55 am- Re: Strip: Take apart kayak question? *Pic*
Bill Price -- 9/25/2003, 11:55 am - Re: Strip: Take apart kayak question? *NM* *Pic*
- Re: Strip: Take apart kayak question?
Scott Holmen -- 9/24/2003, 11:05 pm- Re: Strip: Take apart kayak question?
Shawn Baker -- 9/23/2003, 4:13 pm- Re: Strip: Take apart kayak question?
Randy Wright -- 9/22/2003, 4:43 pm- Re: Strip: Take apart kayak question?
Grant Glazer -- 9/22/2003, 7:44 pm- Re: Shop / Carport ... ??
Rehd -- 9/22/2003, 8:58 pm
- Re: Shop / Carport ... ??
- Re: Strip: Take apart kayak question? *LINK*
Wilf Cornell -- 9/22/2003, 4:03 pm- Re: Strip: Take apart kayak question? *LINK*
Severne -- 9/22/2003, 3:24 pm- Re: Strip: Take apart kayak question? *LINK*
Severne -- 9/22/2003, 3:22 pm- Re: Strip: Take apart kayak question?
C. Fronzek -- 9/22/2003, 2:57 pm- Re: Strip: Take apart kayak question?
Danny Cox -- 9/22/2003, 10:08 am- Re: Strip: Take apart kayak question? *LINK*
Danny Cox -- 9/22/2003, 3:06 pm
- Re: Strip: Take apart kayak question?
- Re: Strip: Take apart kayak question?