Aw, Ken, that puts a damper on my fun. 

In Response To: Re: S&G: Waters Dancing Solace 16xl (Ken Sutherland)
..but ok, I'll rescind the curse. Once released, though, the energy of the curse must be expelled so I'll send it off to Ottawa, they need to cool off all that hot air anyway.
Messages In This Thread
- S&G: Waters Dancing Solace 16xl
Scott Baxter -- 9/14/2003, 12:16 pm- Re: S&G: Waters Dancing Solace 16xl
Scott Baxter -- 9/15/2003, 8:19 pm- Re: S&G: Waters Dancing Solace 16xl *LINK*
Paul Jacob -- 9/15/2003, 12:33 pm- Re: S&G: Waters Dancing Solace 16xl
Robert N Pruden -- 9/25/2003, 8:19 am- Re: S&G: Waters Dancing Solace 16xl
Paul Jacob -- 9/25/2003, 2:13 pm- Re: S&G: Waters Dancing Solace 16xl
Robert N Pruden -- 9/25/2003, 2:23 pm- Re: S&G: Waters Dancing Solace 16xl
Ken Sutherland -- 9/25/2003, 6:56 pm- Aw, Ken, that puts a damper on my fun.
Robert N Pruden -- 9/25/2003, 6:58 pm- Re: Aw, Ken, that puts a damper on my fun.
Rehd -- 9/26/2003, 12:02 am
- Re: Aw, Ken, that puts a damper on my fun.
- Aw, Ken, that puts a damper on my fun.
- Re: S&G: Waters Dancing Solace 16xl
- Re: S&G: Waters Dancing Solace 16xl
- That was a cheap shot at me...
Robert N Pruden -- 9/15/2003, 9:22 pm- That was a cheap shot at me...
Robert N Pruden -- 9/15/2003, 9:21 pm - Re: S&G: Waters Dancing Solace 16xl
- Re: S&G: Waters Dancing Solace 16xl *Pic*
John in CT -- 9/15/2003, 10:13 am- WD Kayak Selection Expanding Shamelessly *LINK*
Robert N Pruden -- 9/15/2003, 12:02 pm
- Re: S&G: Waters Dancing Solace 16xl
Robert N Pruden -- 9/15/2003, 12:43 am - Re: S&G: Waters Dancing Solace 16xl *LINK*
- Re: S&G: Waters Dancing Solace 16xl