Re: US Olympic kayak team tries our boat
By:Jim Pace
Date: 9/30/2003, 8:38 am
Date: 9/30/2003, 8:38 am
In Response To: US Olympic kayak team tries our boat (Jack Sanderson)
: Right now the US team is coached by two Polish guys who have a
: marketing agreement with Plastech (a polish kayak company surprise
: surprise) Team members have to wear Plastech logos on their racing outfits
: but I don't believe that they have to paddle the Polish boats.
There's a politically incorrect joke in there somewhere.
Messages In This Thread
- Announce: US Olympic kayak team tries our boat *Pic*
Jack Sanderson -- 9/29/2003, 10:00 pm- Re: Announce: US Olympic kayak team tries our boat
srchr/gerald -- 9/29/2003, 10:08 pm- US Olympic kayak team tries our boat
Jack Sanderson -- 9/29/2003, 10:41 pm- Re: US Olympic kayak team tries our boat
Tom Yost -- 9/30/2003, 3:18 pm - Re: US Olympic kayak team tries our boat
Jim Pace -- 9/30/2003, 8:38 am
- Re: US Olympic kayak team tries our boat
- US Olympic kayak team tries our boat
- Re: Announce: US Olympic kayak team tries our boat *Pic*
Jack Sanderson -- 9/29/2003, 10:04 pm- One last shot from the side *NM* *Pic*
Jack Sanderson -- 9/29/2003, 10:06 pm
- One last shot from the side *NM* *Pic*
- Re: Announce: US Olympic kayak team tries our boat