Date: 10/20/2003, 10:33 am
Thanks for posting this. I copied it an posted it on Chesapeak Light Craft's Builders Forum. Many novices frequent that board.
Steve C
: Tragically two young women died on Cape Cod last Sunday paddling off Cape
: Cod.
: This feels very personal to me as I was in the same area with freinds last
: weekend
: when this event happened.
: That Sunday there was a storm centered on Nantucket with heavy winds and
: rain.
: I was with a large group and I and my wife elected to pass on paddling that
: day because
: I monitored my weather radio which warned of a small craft advisory with
: heavy rains.
: The rest of my group when on out with the idea of paddling on the sheltered
: waters of
: Pleasent Bay, north of Chatham. I later found out my group decided not to
: paddle.
: From what I've learned the two young women paddled out from Harwichport in
: Keewees.
: Why they thought this was a good idea is a mystery.
: They started out with two strikes against them. First, they when out in storm
: conditions, and
: second they paddled out into unprotected waters.
: These two strikes indicate their third strike. They didn't understand the
: danger.
: This tragic event only reinforces my determination to butt-in and give advise
: to people
: I don't know, who may not seek my advise, to err on the side of caution.
: I'd rather someone think me a jerk, and think twice about what they are
: doing.
: Novices please take heed. Have fear and respect for open waters and ever
: changing weather conditions.
: Please, don't be afraid to ask friends or strangers if they have considered
: the dangers you see and respect.
: Once we leave the shore we can only rely on our best judgement and the
: help/advise of other paddlers.
: This is so sad. I may have passed them on the road.
: All the best,
: Rob Macks
Messages In This Thread
- Other: Deaths on Cape Cod
Rob Macks -- 10/19/2003, 2:37 pm- Re: Other: Deaths - summary
Randy Knauff -- 10/20/2003, 2:51 pm- Re: Other: Deaths - summary
Jim Kozel -- 10/20/2003, 4:49 pm- Re: Other: Deaths - summary
David Humphries -- 10/21/2003, 2:21 am- Re: Other: Deaths - summary
Andy Waddington -- 10/22/2003, 3:02 pm
- Re: Other: Deaths - summary
- Re: Other: Deaths - summary
- Re: Other: Deaths on Cape Cod
Nick Schade - Guillemot Kayaks -- 10/20/2003, 2:11 pm- Re: Other: Deaths on Cape Cod
Steve C -- 10/20/2003, 10:33 am- Re: Other: Deaths on Cape Cod
Bob Deutsch -- 10/20/2003, 8:26 am- Re: You're on to something
Mike Scarborough -- 10/20/2003, 10:12 am
- Re: Other: Deaths on Cape Cod
John Monroe -- 10/20/2003, 4:18 am- Re: Other: Deaths on Cape Cod *LINK*
Chip Sandresky -- 10/20/2003, 2:26 am- Re: Other: Deaths on Cape Cod
Ed Falis -- 10/19/2003, 4:26 pm- I hate hearing about these incidents
Robert N Pruden -- 10/19/2003, 3:56 pm- Re: I hate hearing about these incidents
Jay Babina -- 10/21/2003, 8:21 am- Re: I hate hearing about these incidents
Randy Wright -- 10/21/2003, 10:52 am- Re: I hate hearing about these incidents
Jay Babina -- 10/21/2003, 1:12 pm
- Re: I hate hearing about these incidents
- Re: I hate hearing about these incidents
Arko Bronaugh -- 10/20/2003, 10:49 pm - Re: I hate hearing about these incidents
- Re: Other: Deaths - summary
- Re: Other: Deaths - summary