Re: Material: seal hatch magnets? *Pic*
By:Brian Ervin
Date: 10/21/2003, 9:25 am
Date: 10/21/2003, 9:25 am
In Response To: Re: Material: seal hatch magnets? (Robert Owens)
Use the Glass. I am about to re-do using glass. My magnets continue to either rust, pull-out, or both. I still believe that magnets are the way to go (especially since I use a GPS not a compass) but glass seems to be a must.
This summer after a full day of paddling, I couldn't get my front hatch open due to the magnets rusting together. Had to use prying force leading to some minor wood/glass damage and pulling 3 magnets out of their homes. I am planning to build a Night Heron this winter and there is no doubt that I will glass over the magnets.
Hope this is helpful.

Messages In This Thread
- Material: seal hatch magnets?
Robert Owens -- 10/20/2003, 7:04 am- Re: Material: seal hatch magnets?
Ted Henry -- 10/20/2003, 10:43 am- Re: Material: seal hatch magnets?
Rob Macks -- 10/20/2003, 8:16 am- Re: Material: seal hatch magnets?
Robert Owens -- 10/20/2003, 8:51 pm- Re: Material: seal hatch magnets? *Pic*
Brian Ervin -- 10/21/2003, 9:25 am- Re: Material: seal hatch magnets?
John Schroeder -- 10/20/2003, 11:06 pm - Re: Material: seal hatch magnets?
- Re: Material: seal hatch magnets? *Pic*
- Re: Material: seal hatch magnets?
- Re: Material: seal hatch magnets?