: Sorry if this is off topic. I'm getting ready to participate in an adventure
: race later this year and again next summer. Rules state that you cannot
: use a kayak, it must be a canoe. I’d like to make a stitch and glue canoe
: for the race(s), but all the plan I find are fairly wide and heavy.
: Does anyone know of plans for a racing style stitch and glue 2-person canoe?
Why not a plywood lapstrake canoe? Very strong, light, and you can use many plans for strip-built boats; one of which should give you a good hull shape for speed. The construction is similar to multichine stitch and glue but instead of working from paper patterns for the plywood panels, you build a form like a stripper and lay wide strips of plywood over this, marking them to follow the lines of "ribbands" on the forms. These then are the pieces you join, right on top of the ribbands and forms, which ensure the hull stays straight during construction.
Check the book Ultralight Boatbuilding by Thomas Hill for details on how he makes these.
hope this helps

Messages In This Thread
- S&G: Canoe
Jim Looker -- 10/20/2003, 12:12 pm- Re: S&G: Canoe
Jim Looker -- 10/23/2003, 11:47 am- Re: S&G: Canoe, Free Plan *LINK*
Aurel -- 10/22/2003, 3:39 pm- Re: S&G: Canoe, Free Plan
C. Fronzek -- 10/22/2003, 6:47 pm
- Re: S&G: Canoe *Pic*
Paul G. Jacobson -- 10/22/2003, 1:47 am- Re: S&G: Canoe
C. Fronzek -- 10/22/2003, 11:06 am- Re: S&G: Canoe
Paul G. Jacobson -- 10/22/2003, 2:28 pm
- Re: S&G: Canoe
- Re: S&G: Canoe *LINK*
srchr/gerald -- 10/20/2003, 4:47 pm- Re: S&G: Canoe
ChrisO -- 10/20/2003, 2:09 pm- Re: S&G: Canoe
hoz -- 10/20/2003, 1:17 pm- Re: S&G: Canoe *LINK*
Kyle T -- 10/20/2003, 12:55 pm - Re: S&G: Canoe, Free Plan *LINK*
- Re: S&G: Canoe