Date: 10/23/2003, 6:39 pm
Finally finished my One Ocean Kayak 'Cape Ann Storm' in September, and took it to Voyager's National Park in northern Minnesota for the shake down cruise. It is a fast, seaworthy kayak and I had no problem carrying a week's worth of camping gear/food/fishing gear.
The plans and instructions are excellent, and building went very smoothly. The carbon fiber coaming and hatch lids are quite elegant, and very functional. Compared to my first kayak (an LT17 okume kit), this kayak is prettier, faster, more responsive (it has less primary stability, but great secondary), easier to turn, and it gently rides over waves (vs plunging through them). The hull is cedar, the deck is redwood, the white accents are pine, and the black accents are African wenge. Hopefully the link to pictures will work---my first attempt!
Messages In This Thread
- Launching: Cape Ann Storm *LINK*
Ed K. -- 10/23/2003, 6:39 pm- Re: Launching: Cape Ann Storm
Ed Falis -- 10/25/2003, 11:22 am- Re: Launching: Cape Ann Storm
Ed K. -- 10/26/2003, 12:24 am- Re: Launching: Cape Ann Storm
Ed Falis -- 10/26/2003, 8:58 am
- Re: Launching: Cape Ann Storm
- Re: Launching: Cape Ann Storm
Robert -- 10/23/2003, 11:31 pm- Re: Launching: Cape Ann Storm
Bob Deutsch -- 10/24/2003, 2:20 am
- One more picture... *NM* *Pic*
Ed K. -- 10/23/2003, 7:54 pm- Re: One more picture...
Glen Smith -- 10/23/2003, 9:32 pm
- A view of the deck... *Pic*
Ed K. -- 10/23/2003, 7:49 pm- Pure eye candy
Mike and Rikki -- 10/25/2003, 11:09 am- Re: Pure eye candy
Ed K. -- 10/26/2003, 12:18 am
- Re: Pure eye candy
- Does this link work? *Pic*
Ed K. -- 10/23/2003, 7:45 pm- Beautiful work, Ed! Nice!
Robert N Pruden -- 10/24/2003, 11:20 am- Re: Does this link work?
Miike S -- 10/24/2003, 3:05 am- Re: Does this link work?
Ken Sutherland -- 10/23/2003, 11:39 pm- Re: Does this link work?
Jim Kozel -- 10/23/2003, 9:43 pm- Hatch system
Ed K. -- 10/24/2003, 12:20 am
- Great looking boat
Jim Pace -- 10/23/2003, 9:14 pm- Re: Great looking boat
Ed K. -- 10/24/2003, 12:16 am
- Re: Does this link work?
Bruce - TX -- 10/23/2003, 7:58 pm - Re: Does this link work?
- Nope, that don't work! *NM*
Glen Smith -- 10/23/2003, 7:12 pm - Re: Launching: Cape Ann Storm
- Re: Launching: Cape Ann Storm