Date: 10/26/2003, 11:30 pm
: Arko,
: So, you go by, der Krieger, do you? And there you are in all your glory
: without the requisite paper in hand. Some Krieger, Arko. I guess warrior
: types are supposed to be using the natural vegetation. Dogs know that.
: That is a funny bit, though. Dogs will do you in at a moments notice. They're
: just like kids that way. A ssoon as you tell someone about how cool your
: dog or kid might be... they up and do the exact thing that will make your
: braggadocio null and void.
: Live with it, Buddy. You can always laugh and that in itself makes it better.
: Chris
Nothing is nice and soft and green these days. The paper was wet. does that make krieger?
They are good dogs, they didn't knock me in it.If you could have seen her you would know I was laughing. Stepping on a big, cold, slow black snake on the way back was not funny however.
Messages In This Thread
- Strip: Tape residue
KenC -- 8/20/2002, 11:32 pm- Re: Strip: Tape residue? Acetone OK?
Joe -- 8/24/2002, 7:58 pm- Re: Strip: Tape residue? Acetone OK?
Joe Greenley -- 8/24/2002, 11:49 pm- Re: Strip: Tape residue? Acetone OK?
Charles Leach -- 8/24/2002, 9:58 pm - Re: Strip: Tape residue? Acetone OK?
- Re: Strip: Tape residue
johnh -- 8/21/2002, 8:43 pm- Re: Strip: Tape residue
Charles Leach -- 8/21/2002, 6:51 pm- Re: Strip: Tape residue
Ron Hagedorn -- 8/21/2002, 2:52 pm- A timely question.
Myrl Tanton -- 8/21/2002, 11:44 am- Re: A timely question.
Pee Man -- 10/26/2003, 10:30 am- Is This Pee Man For Real?? *NM*
Arko Bronaugh -- 10/26/2003, 12:25 pm- Re: Is This Pee Man For Real??
ChrisO -- 10/26/2003, 1:04 pm- Re: Is This Pee Man For Real??
Arko Bronaugh -- 10/26/2003, 3:37 pm- Re: Is This Pee Man For Real??
ChrisO -- 10/26/2003, 5:10 pm- Crunchy, dry leaves are no good though.
Arko Bronaugh -- 10/26/2003, 11:30 pm- for you or the snake
Kurt Hoffman -- 10/27/2003, 10:19 am- Hard to say.....
Arko Bronaugh -- 10/27/2003, 6:34 pm
- Hard to say.....
- for you or the snake
- Crunchy, dry leaves are no good though.
- Re: Is This Pee Man For Real??
- Re: Is This Pee Man For Real??
- Re: Is This Pee Man For Real??
- Can someone post the answer AGAIN??
Joe -- 8/21/2002, 3:44 pm- Re: A timely question.
Scott Dollmeyer -- 8/21/2002, 3:13 pm- Re: A timely question. *NM*
Pee Man -- 10/26/2003, 10:32 am
- Is This Pee Man For Real?? *NM*
- Re: Strip: Tape residue
Patsy -- 8/21/2002, 7:52 am - Re: Strip: Tape residue? Acetone OK?
- Re: Strip: Tape residue? Acetone OK?