Date: 10/27/2003, 12:23 pm
Just interested; I am 6-6 and finishing my first strip canoe. I own a Lettmann Nordstern seakayak, and thinking of maybe buiding a strip seakayak next. On which link can I find some info on the King ? Tx, Erik.
: Winter is here and it`s time to start a new boat.
: Would anyone that has paddled either or both The King and Jay Babinas` Outer
: Island care to share your thoughts?
: I am 6-2 210 size 13.
: All my paddling is along the rocky coast of Maine. Mostly day paddling, some
: 2-3 day trips.
: I am getting comfortable with my GP.
: To my untrained eye the first big difference appears to be that The King is a
: much higher volume boat (more room for big feet and tripping gear?) The
: O.I. website mentions that the deck can be easily be raised if nessecary;
: anyone tried this?
: Thanks, Matthew
Messages In This Thread
- Other: King or Outer Island?
Matthew -- 10/27/2003, 11:21 am- Re: Other: King or Outer Island?
Ken Blanton -- 10/27/2003, 5:37 pm- Re: Other: King or Outer Island?
Erik Belgium -- 10/27/2003, 12:23 pm- Re: Other: King or Outer Island? *NM* *LINK*
Dale Frolander -- 10/27/2003, 1:58 pm- Re: Other: King or Outer Island?
Erik Belgium -- 10/27/2003, 3:15 pm
- Re: Other: King or Outer Island?
- I've paddled both!
Kent LeBoutillier -- 10/27/2003, 11:49 am - Re: Other: King or Outer Island?
- Re: Other: King or Outer Island?