Date: 10/28/2003, 1:11 am
: Morro Bay is still a fishing village with a fishing mentality.
: Anything that doesn't help catch fish isn't going to get much attention
: from the locals there. Can you say "narrowly focused"? Which
: seems strange considering there's a MAJOR univeristy just a few miles up
: the highway from there (California Polytechnic University) at which
: diversity and looking beyond the horizon is taught.
Hmmmmm!! How true..
Not so much a fishing village that you can afford to live there..
$189,000 for a decent mobile home ( with hook-up ) and double that for a house that's not 3" from the neighbors on 3 sides.
But just enough of a fishing village that folks still look you in the eye when they speak to you and, most always, do it with a smile.
Still a great place to live, and maybe for just those reason.. hope to get over there for more than a weekend some day...
Thanks Rob...
Messages In This Thread
- Seeking: Seat-Swap for Wilderness "Cape Horn"
Rehd -- 10/27/2003, 3:42 pm- Re: Seeking: Seat-Swap for Wilderness "Cape Horn"
Gordon Snapp -- 10/29/2003, 11:31 pm- Re: M.B. - Los Osos
Rehd -- 10/30/2003, 8:54 am
- Re: Seeking: Seat-Swap for Wilderness "Cape Horn"
srchr/gerald -- 10/28/2003, 10:16 am- California mindsets
Rob P. -- 10/27/2003, 11:29 pm- Re: How True..
Rehd -- 10/28/2003, 1:11 am
- Re: M.B. - Los Osos
- Re: Seeking: Seat-Swap for Wilderness "Cape Horn"