Boat Building Forum

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Re: Strip: planing interior hull *Pic*
By:Chip Sandresky
Date: 10/30/2003, 12:55 pm
In Response To: Strip: planing interior hull (Tim)

: I have heard of hoof knives and other various curved
: tools, but would appreciate any thought you have. The boat is 4� at the
: widest point, so the radius will not be as tight as that found at the
: chine of a kayak.

Hi Tim. I used a little double-radius plane from Woodcraft. See The pamphlet that comes with it says it was originally developed when home boatbuilding became popular in the early 1900's... funny how history repeats itself. It's cool but I found the radius to be a bit too tight, even for my kayak. I know of one builder who used some radius planes from Japan Woodworker and I will probably try out one of those for the next stripper. See There is a single-radius model and also a double-radius model.

Messages In This Thread

Strip: planing interior hull
Tim -- 10/30/2003, 2:28 am
make your own tools *Pic*
Rod Tait -- 10/30/2003, 4:09 pm
Re: Strip: planing interior hull *Pic*
Chip Sandresky -- 10/30/2003, 12:55 pm
Re: Strip: planing interior hull
Jim Pace -- 10/30/2003, 12:54 pm
Re: Strip: planing interior hull
ChrisO -- 10/30/2003, 10:20 am