Re: Tools: Aluminium staining on wood
In Response To: Tools: Aluminium staining on wood (Roger Nuffer)
: My table saw has a aluminum top that tends to stain the wood. Is there
: something available to coat the aluminum with that will create a barrier
: between the aluminum the wood? I prefer my wood stain free.
: Roger
I have hardened epoxy all over my table saw (messy guy, I am). I've noticed that wood slides more easily over it now. Maybe a thin coat of epoxy would do the trick. At least THAT is in the realm of what we already do AND it isn't wax so there aren't any issues after a nice clean straight cut. My $0.02 worth.
Robert N Pruden
Messages In This Thread
- Tools: Aluminium staining on wood
Roger Nuffer -- 11/6/2003, 7:00 pm- Re: Tools: Aluminium staining on wood
Robert N Pruden -- 11/7/2003, 10:57 am- Re: Tools: Aluminium staining on wood
Mike and Rikki -- 11/7/2003, 12:32 pm- Re: Tools: Thanks Much! *LINK* *Pic*
Roger Nuffer -- 11/8/2003, 10:02 am- Re: Tools: Thanks Much!
Mike and Rikki -- 11/8/2003, 12:34 pm- Bandsaw
Robert N Pruden -- 11/15/2003, 4:32 pm- Re: Bandsaw
Judson -- 11/15/2003, 6:00 pm- Re: Bandsaw
Robert N Pruden -- 11/17/2003, 9:51 am
- Re: Bandsaw
- Re: Bandsaw
- Bandsaw
- Re: Tools: Thanks Much!
- Re: Tools: Thanks Much! *LINK* *Pic*
- Re: Tools: Aluminium staining on wood
Don -- 11/6/2003, 8:47 pm- Re: Tools: Aluminium staining on wood
John Schroeder -- 11/6/2003, 8:20 pm- Re: Tools: Aluminium staining on wood
Gordon Niessen -- 11/6/2003, 10:55 pm
- Re: Tools: P.S. Mine is not SPAM
Roger Nuffer -- 11/6/2003, 7:01 pm - Re: Tools: Aluminium staining on wood
- Re: Tools: Aluminium staining on wood