Boat Building Forum

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Re: Strip: Strongback question
By:Pete Notman
Date: 11/8/2003, 7:18 pm
In Response To: Strip: Strongback question (Chris)

I am just starting to build my expedition single. Yes the bought plans from Nick do have some guide for the taper of the strongback. However, I ended up whitling the nose of my strong back to about 1" and that end is reminiscent of a sharpened pencil. This was because the bow was pretty fine and the strips bending around the 'little forms' would have otherwise hit the strongback.

Nicks plans have all the datum lines on, which are pretty helpfull for lining up your forms. I think I am past that and am about to lay my first strips.

Wish me luck

Cheers Pete

Messages In This Thread

Strip: Strongback question
Chris -- 11/7/2003, 8:23 am
Re: Strip: Strongback question
Pete Notman -- 11/8/2003, 7:18 pm
Re: Strip: Strongback question
GNiessen -- 11/7/2003, 12:38 pm