Date: 11/10/2003, 8:47 am
Have arrived at the stage of putting the forms on the stronback for my first build guillemot. Did a trial fit of the forms: working from the stern forms 15 to 9 are spaced at 12 inches and from the bow 2 to 7 have the req'd 12 inches ...whats the story with form 8?...not enough room to leave 12" either side - presume just place equadistant right?....
Can anybody get me started with regards to the sheer stips?..Am confused by Nicks description in the book. As I see it theres a choice at the keel of arriving with two coves or two beads. I'd have thought the chances of inserting a strip into two coves are better than two beads so cut the bead off the sheer and proceed. But what's the rolling bevel/sighting the floor all about? confused!. Anybody got a photo or a sketch they'd be kind enought to let me have!
Messages In This Thread
- Strip: Guillemot, sheer strip
Podge -- 11/10/2003, 8:47 am- Re: Strip: Guillemot, sheer strip
Ed Perrault -- 11/10/2003, 7:00 pm- Re: Strip: Guillemot, sheer strip
Podge -- 11/11/2003, 2:58 am
- Re: Strip: Guillemot, sheer strip
- Re: Strip: Guillemot, sheer strip
David Odegard -- 11/10/2003, 2:39 pm- Re: Strip: Guillemot, sheer strip
Podge -- 11/10/2003, 4:24 pm
- Re: Strip: Guillemot, sheer strip
- Re: Strip: Guillemot, sheer strip
Podge -- 11/10/2003, 11:45 am- Re: Strip: Guillemot, sheer strip
c -- 11/10/2003, 12:39 pm - Re: Strip: Guillemot, sheer strip
Glen Smith -- 11/10/2003, 12:32 pm
- Re: Strip: Guillemot, sheer strip
- Re: Strip: Guillemot, sheer strip
c -- 11/10/2003, 9:10 am- Re: Strip: Guillemot, sheer strip
Podge -- 11/10/2003, 10:52 am- Re: Strip: Guillemot, sheer strip
c -- 11/10/2003, 11:01 am
- Re: Strip: Guillemot, sheer strip
- Re: Strip: Guillemot, sheer strip
- Re: Strip: Guillemot, sheer strip