Date: 11/13/2003, 2:03 am
Ted and everyone
Posting your pics to a site opens a path to your hard disk, the image does notr transfer to the site but links to the image location. And that is the way in. That is from the firm that we have contracted with to go through our Intranet (GRC). Anyway, that part I already knew about from a nasty event that occured a month before the Bering Strait paddle. I'm surprised you didn't know this.
Posting pics to many sites is as bad as they often load the visitor with spyware and all sorts of redirects. Then there's, well, lets call them criminals at who sell private information (the FOURTH class action suit is being heard right this red-hot instant). Bottom line is why put yourself in such a situation? What benefit is there to us? None. I will tell everyone this: to expose Rikki to spam is a declaration of unrestricted war. It's my religion, by patriotic duty to her to want to cause great harm to spammers. But that's not anyone's business.
So about spam in general. We are a zero tolerant group. As of an hour ago there's been a total of 74 spams, the usual forged headers that took an exceptional amount of time to track down and they're from the usual spam factories and regions. So Rikki got to see subject headers about viagra, and how to enlarge the member, and have more semen, too. Meds are on-line, and the Nigerian investment opportunity is alive and kicking, too. All from fraudalently named types with Chinese English writing styles.
About the spam in particular: the consensus of our consultant is that the kbbb.mail address was taken from someone's computer in this group or the next layer out from users of this site. With all the care and protection and money and time to be careful, it still happens. So in a bit I terminate the account, our system is more important. That this continues on is cause to reconsider the benefit. Besides that, this does take up far too much of my time-it is too tempting to answer and discuss ideas-when there is so much to do and not enough time to do it in.
Until there's a solution the whizz-kids come up with, it's adios for a while. Well, part of the reason is that we're taking the boat out to Catalina for a much-needed break and do a little shark work, too.
: After thinking about it awhile, I just have to weigh in here. I don't see how
: posting images has got anything to do with spam email. If you never give
: out your email address (so that people on this board do not have it in
: their address book), and never post your email address on this board, you
: will not get spam email purely by posting an image on this board. I've
: tested it. I have another domain other than to which I have
: posted photos in the past. It has no email address associated with it
: other than the registrants address at Network Solutions. And that address
: is at Metakrome. I don't get spam from this process. How could I, there is
: no address to which to send it. You can go further. Ditch your email
: account completely. You can still have a website, or space on a server
: where you can place images to be posted on this board. And you can still
: communicate with this great group with zero risk of getting spam.
: Personally that would not be my choice. I enjoy the great benefits I get
: from using email even though I get a few spam messages each day. It only
: takes me about 5 seconds to blow them off into the ether.
: I guess I'm making this response for selfish reasons. I would hate to see
: anyone discouraged from posting images. There are so many cases where a
: photo tells the story much better than a verbal description.
: Ted
Messages In This Thread
- Off Topic: Email harvested from this site by spammers
Mike and Rikki -- 11/10/2003, 2:44 pm- Re: Off Topic: Check your Browser Settings
Chip Sandresky -- 11/11/2003, 12:57 pm- What Chip said
DanG -- 11/11/2003, 1:28 pm- which setting is it in IE?
Frank Eberdt -- 11/11/2003, 1:45 pm- Re: which setting is it in IE? *LINK*
Dan G -- 11/12/2003, 10:01 am- Re: which setting is it in IE? *LINK*
Rob P. -- 11/11/2003, 5:31 pm- thanks *NM*
Frank Eberdt -- 11/11/2003, 10:43 pm
- Re: which setting is it in IE? *LINK*
- Re: which setting is it in IE? *LINK*
- which setting is it in IE?
- Re: Off Topic: Email harvested from this site by s
Nick Schade - Guillemot Kayaks -- 11/11/2003, 9:20 am- Re: Off Topic: Email - leave it the way it is
Roy Morford -- 11/11/2003, 11:58 am- Re: Off Topic: Email harvested from this site by s
Rehd -- 11/11/2003, 11:51 am - Re: Off Topic: Email harvested from this site by s
- Re: Off Topic: Email harvested from this site by s
Robert N Pruden -- 11/10/2003, 11:49 pm- I post a lot here, and don't have a spam problem
Paul G. Jacobson -- 11/10/2003, 9:43 pm- maybe the bots don't search real long postings
Paul G. Jacobson -- 11/10/2003, 9:44 pm- Re: That's funny... cuz I don't get spam either
Scott Ferguson -- 11/11/2003, 11:02 am
- Re: That's funny... cuz I don't get spam either
- Re: Off Topic: Email harvested from this site by s
Glen Smith -- 11/10/2003, 9:02 pm- Re: Off Topic: Email harvested from this site by s
Ted Henry -- 11/10/2003, 8:33 pm- Re: Off Topic: Email harvested from this site by s
Mike and Rikki -- 11/13/2003, 2:03 am
- Re: Off Topic: Email harvested from this site by s
Bill Price -- 11/10/2003, 7:12 pm- Re: Off Topic: Email harvested from this site by s
Joubin -- 11/10/2003, 4:25 pm- Poison pill
Robert N Pruden -- 11/11/2003, 12:03 am- Re: Poison pill
Rob P. -- 11/11/2003, 5:20 pm
- Re: Poison pill
- Re: Off Topic: Email harvested from this site by s
Danny Cox -- 11/10/2003, 3:00 pm- Re: Off Topic: Email harvested from this site by s
Andy Waddington -- 11/11/2003, 4:11 am- Re: Off Topic: Email harvested from this site by s
A. Stenson -- 11/10/2003, 3:55 pm - Re: Off Topic: Email harvested from this site by s
- even more friggin spam receieved
Mike and Rikki -- 11/10/2003, 2:48 pm - What Chip said
- Re: Off Topic: Check your Browser Settings